Sys‐265Lab2 - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki

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SNMP [Simple Network Management Protocol] lab

  • RFC codes: 1157, 2573, 3413,
  • 3416; SNMP Ports [161/UDP , 162/UDP(SNPT Trap)].
  • MIB [Management Information Base]
  • OIB [Object]
  • Section 1: Enable SNPM agent on FW1

    Command Used Terminal Used Purpose
    adduser connor
    sudo usermod -aG wheel connor
    passwd connor
    vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Go to and edit the file configuration so that "PermitRootLogin" is set to no
    systemctl restart sshd
    sudo yum install net-snmp-utils This command installs the SNMP utilities needed for loging
    vi etc/resolv.conf Used this command to confirm I had properly attached east.local as a searchable address
    snmpwalk -Os -c SYS265 -v2c fw01-east system

    Section 2: Installing SNMPD on Web01

    Command Used Terminal Used Purpose
    adduser connor
    sudo usermod -aG wheel connor
    ssh [email protected]
    sudo yum install net-snmp-utils net-snmp
    cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/outdated-snmp.conf
    sudo vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf Make sure the document has the following data:
    • com2sec myNetwork SYS265
    • group myROGroup v2c myNetwork
    • view all included .1 80
    • access myROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
    sudo systemctl enable snmpd
    sudo systemctl start snmpd
    sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=161/udp Allows Permanent SNMP traffic flow.

    Section 3 Command List

    Command Used Terminal Used Purpose

    Deliverable 1: SNMP Values

    Deliverable 2: SNMP values on Web01/AD01/MGMT01

    Deliverable 3:

    Deliverable 4:

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