SYS255‐Linux_Assessment - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
General Setup:
Linux Machine Steps:
Step 1: Confirm your device is on the LAN and then log into blog01.
First Command: "nmptui";
Next set the name to blog01-connor and Hit OK.
Second Command:"systemctl restart network";
Third Command: "exit" + Relog into the system
Forth Command: "ip addr"
use the command "ping -c 1" to confirm you are connected to the internet.
Active Directory Steps:
Go to the DNS manager of your Active Directory and create a lookup address pointer for your blog. Below is an image of that.
Go to Reverse lookup zones and refresh to confirm your blog has been added to the list of address pointers.
linux blog device step 2:
Command 1: ---> use the command if (centOS)" yum install sssd realmd oddjob-mkhomedir adcli samba-common samba-common-tools krb5-workstation openldap-clients policycoreutils-python"
Command 2: ---> Use the command "realm join connor.local"
installing lamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL, php)
Setting up Apache:
Command 1: ---> yum -y install httpd
This installs Apache. If asked for a yes it will automatically confirm.
Command 2: ---> firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 80/tcp
Command 3: ---> firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port 443/tcp
Commands 2/3 allow for port 80 (http) and port 443(https) through the firewall. This will allow our server to show up.
Command 4: ---> "systemctl start httpd" do the same with enable and status
Command 5: ---> create index.html
Command 6: ---> firewall-cmd --reload
###PHP Setup.
Command 1: ---> yum install -y php php-mysql
Command 2: ---> systemctl restart httpd
Setting up MySql:
Command 1: ---> yum -y install mariadb-server
Command 2: ---> systemctl start mariadb
Command 3: ---> systemctl enable mariadb.service
Command 4: ---> mysql_secure_installation
Once installation has completed, use the command "mysql -u root -p". This allows you to log into mysql as user root with the password you are about to type
Command 5: ---> "CREATE DATABASE example_database"
Command 6: ---> GRANT ALL ON exampe_database .* TO 'connor'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'helloworld' WITH GRANT OPTIONS
Command 7: ---> FLUSH PRIVILEGES
Installing WordPress:
Command 1: ---> yum install php-gd
Command 2: ---> systemctl restart httpd
Command 3: ---> wget
Command 4: ---> tar xzvf latest.tar.gz
Command 5: ---> sudo rsync -avP ~/wordpress/ /var/www/html/
Command 6: ---> mkdir /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads
Command 7: ---> sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/*
Setting up Wordpress:
Command 1: ---> cd /var/www/html
Command 2: ---> cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
Command 3: ---> vi wp-config.php
Change the DB_Name, DB_USER, and DB_Password to the db name and user you created when setting-up mysql.
Command 4: ---> system restart httpd
**Deliverable 1:
Provide a screenshot of a successful SSH session from a Windows system to blog01 showing Login as a named user (not root), your elevation to root, and attempts to ping, ad and fw
**Deliverable 2:
Provide a screenshot of a successful SSH session from a Windows System to blog01 showing a nslookup for following addresses:,, and
**Deliverable 3:
Provide a screenshot of your SSH session from a Windows System to blog01 showing the yourname-adm AD account login after joining it to your AD domain, its home directory creation, and the id command.
**Deliverable 4:
Provide a screenshot showing a browsing session from wks01 using your AD-adm account to your blog01’s home page (browse by hostname). Your blog home page should have a blog entry with your name prominently displayed, and include the original URL of the chosen blog solution. Meme’s are always appreciated.