Linux Command List - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
System Properties
Command 1: "free"
- Description: Shows the total amount of free/used physical/swap information for a Linux distribution system below is a list of the options:
Command 2: "lspci"
- Description: A command used to show the available and used PCI buses in the system. A PCI, Peripheral Component Interconnect, bus are high performance buses meant for high speed data transfer.
Command 3: "df"
- Description: This command show the total amount of diskspace available on your file system. If a file-name is not present then it will show all available options.
File Downloading
File Transfer
Command 1: "mv"
- Description: This command stands for move, the main purpose of this command is to move a the contents of a file to a different file (regardless of if the name is the same or different).
Command 2: "cp"
- Description: This command copies files across your main host. It is similar to the mv command however it does not rename the file; it only copies the file.
Command 3: "scp"
- Description: This command securely copies files across hosts in a network. SCP uses ssh in order to improve security.
Command 4: "pscp"
- Description: This command is a part of the Pssh daemon. The main purpose of this command is to send copies of files to multiple hosts in a network.
Command 5:"rsync"
- Description: the rsync command is used to recursively synchronize data transfer on its own or to other hosts on the network. The main use of this is to transfer only the parts of the data that have been updated rather then the full file. This allows for quicker transfers. The major issue with this is that any files that have been updates will not include have a backup of the previous file version. to download this you would use "yum/apt install -y rsync". To see more click here
Command 6:"lpr"
- Description: This command sends a file print job to a printer. While not an abject transfer it still is consistent with the content.
File Division:
Command: "split"
- Description: A command used to take one file and divide it into more manageable sections. This is useful for if you want are making a bash script that compiles a large quantity of data into a more manageable document structure.
Command 1: "cron"
- Description: This command is a daemon used to automate scripts to occur at specific times.
Command 2: "alias"
- Description: This command is used to create a new command using other commands to simplify it for the specific user who is using the linux based system
Command 3: "jobs"
- Description: This command prints out all commands created on a device as well as the directory in which it is located. This would likely be a useful command for locating malware on a system as long as the naming convention you use is consistent.
Data Recovery:
Command 1: "ddrescue"
- This command can copy optical drives to ISO files. This is useful for when an error occurs on an optical device and you need to collect as much data as possible from it. To download this to your Linux device, you would use "apt-get/yum -y install ddrescue"