Net330‐TechJournal1 - ConnorEast/Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
Deliverable 1: Commands to navigate
Commands 2,3,4,10, 11, and 13 all show ways to navigate to separate sections be it for information gathering or to edit something.
Deliverable 2: Commands to create VLANS
See commands 11, 12, and 13 to create a VLAN and set its IP address.
Deliverable 3: Setting Trunk/access
See Commands 14 and 15 in the command Table for Reference.
Deliverable 4: Configuring in "Ranges"
See Command 4 in the command Table for Reference.
# | Section: | Command: | Logic: |
1. | Router# | enable | This command Enables the Router |
2. | Router# | Conf t | This command enters the config menu |
3. | Router(config)# | interface fastethernet0/0 | Go to the fastethernet0/0 port config menu |
4. | Router(config)# | interface range fastethernet0/0-4 | Allows you to edit ports 0-4 at the same time |
5. | Router(config-if)# | Ip address | Set the fastethernet ip to |
6. | Router(config-if)# | no shutdown | Keep fastethernet 0/0 up no matter what |
7. | Router(config-if)# | exit | exits the current editing menu |
8. | Router# | show ip int | This shows the interface including the IP address spaces leased |
9. | Router # | copy run start | This saves the status of the router |
10. | Router # | show vlan | shows the assigned vlan ports |
11. | Router(config)# | int vlan [insert vlan #] | go to the editing menu for the vlan of the specified number |
12. | Router(config-if) # | Ip address 179.68.X.X 255.255.X.X | Set the IP of the VLAN equal to the first IP address with hosts equal to the subnetmask |
13. | Router # | show ip int br | inc Vlan | Shows the IP addressess assigned to the Vlans for comformation |
14. | Router(config-if) # | switchport mode access | Switches specific VLAN port connections to access mode so only a single specific vlan can communicate across it |
15. | Router(config-if) # | switchport mode trunk | Switches specific VLAN port connections to access mode so any vlan can communicate across it |