BL2 Weapons Gear: Shotguns - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Weapons/Gear: Shotguns
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'Merica - BL2, by Aaron0000
Accreate Shotty Boolets, by Akathris
Adds Grenade Damage to Slow Hand, by johnrr6
Air Strike, by TheRealVenom
Amaterasu, by Yhorm
Antique Ballbuster, by TheRealVenom
Arrowstorm Dispenser 1.7.10, by Tsunami
Assault Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
Aster, by HolyHades
Averse Collaboration - Elemental Hyperion Shotgun, by Kazy
Backhand - BL2, by Aaron0000
BaronofHell, by Sku11k1d1998
Beckett, by Lftstrafe
Beckett's' Flame Cannon, by kunelsanders
beeholder, by Mohl97
benwaV2, by Laxlife
Better Splatguns V1.4c by Orudeon, by Orudeon
BFB, by AxxroyTovu
BFC, by Ugyuu
Bianca, by Kazy
BL1 Style Classic Jakob ShotgunsV1, by NB55NB
Blowjobs, by NIKITAzed
Blunderbuss, by SmotPokin42000
Blunderbuss, by Juso
BNK3R, by Reclaimer Shawn
BNK3RNOP, by Reclaimer Shawn
Boomacorn, by Aaron0000
Broomstick, by silverxpenguin
Bull, by MegaCyber151
Bullpup, by Aaron0000
Business Maker, by Juso
Butcher, by TheRealVenom
ButcherRocketJump, by Greem
Capacitor, by GoldenGizzmo
Classic Sledge's Shotgun - BL2, by Aaron0000
Cleaver, by Greem
CLFAC, by Yaksher
Company Man, by Aaron0000
Compensator, by kunelsanders
Crux, by Kazy
Crux - Replaces Dog, by TheRealVenom
Defender, by Kazy
Defender, by Tsunami
Demon's_Bow, by VoidRose
Destruction, by Juso
Dominator, by TheRealVenom
ErnestV2, by Ugyuu
Evergreen, by Rhysand
Executioner, by Malafolf Mom
Face-puncher, by Aaron0000
FAT STACKS, by Laxlife
Felicity's Shotgun, by Tsunami
Flakker, by Juso
Friendly Fire, by Aaron0000
FyreFeind, by Dashiku
GhaltV2, by Ugyuu
Glass Cannon, by TheRealVenom
God of Thunder v4, by VariantLoki
Grenade Launcher & Kerblaster, by Hemaxhu
GrenadeLuncher, by ozay3444
Gun?, by FromDarkHell
HAL, by 00Schmidt
HAL 9001, by TheRealVenom
Hammer - BL2, by Aaron0000
HeartStopper, by AutumnWitch
Heavy Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
Hekk, by Kazy
Hellwalker, by Aaron0000
Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1), by NB55NB
Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1 (from Hyperion Shotgun Overhaul (Vladof Style) V1.1 includes Uniques), by NB55NB
Killbot, by Dashiku
Kraken, by TheRealVenom
Landscaper, by WarMocK
Landscaper No Self-Damage v1.0.0, by Astor
Laser Disker, by Aaron0000
Mam - BL2, by Aaron0000
Marxist - Unique Double-Tap Shotgun, by Kazy
Minefield, by TheRealVenom
MisterMcshotty, by Tsunami
Moonface, by Aaron0000
Nemesis, by Sku11k1d1998
New Gun, by TheRealVenom
Newfoundlands, by AutumnWitch
Night Striker, by DarkFirePVP
One Pump Chump, by Aaron0000
OokaTikiOokaTiki, by ozay3444
Ororo (Commerce), by B33PB00PJOE
Outsourced Development, by Jejjo
PartyLine V1, by MegaCyber151
patch (from Flimsy.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Thunderstruck.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Wasteland.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch (from Western.txt) - BL2, by Jejjo
patch - BL2, by R34KT0R
Penance (Teeth of Terra Replacer), by Freya
Pile O' F*ck, by Kazy
Plague, by Kazy
Plasma_Cutter, by VoidRose
Plus, by soze
Praetor, by WarMocK
Punter - BL2, by Aaron0000
Rainfall, by CzRSpecV
Reaper'sShotguns, by Blockier
rocketjump, by 00Schmidt
Sandstorm, by TheRealVenom
Satan's Shit, by TheRealVenom
Select Fire, by TheRealVenom
Signature - BL2, by Aaron0000
Sledge's Shotgun, by TheRealVenom
Sledgehammer - BL2, by NIKITAzed
Slowhand, by Aaron0000
Slug Shotguns - BL2, by Aaron0000
Slugger, by TheRealVenom
Sneezy Peezy, by GoldenGizzmo
Spazz, by Aaron0000
Speed-Boosting Shotgun Accessory - BL2, by Aaron0000
Splitters, by Aaron0000
Strax, by Zma
Striker 2.0, by silverxpenguin
Striker 3.0, by silverxpenguin
Super Shotgun, by Tsunami
Swarm, by silverxpenguin
SwarmV2, by ozay3444
SwitchIt, by GoldenGizzmo
Swordsplosion, by Rhysand
SwordsplosionV2, by Greem
T2000-Concept, by Tsunami
Tediore Barrel Carnage Shotguns, by Ugyuu
The [Name], by ozay3444
The Barrier Defender MKII, by Tsunami
The Fat Bitch, by 00Schmidt
The Steel Meridian's Hekk-of-a Bundle, by Kazy
The Trumphiator Mortar MKIII, by Tsunami
TheChayad, by ozay3444
TheShootingStar, by ozay3444
TigrisPrime, by CzRSpecV
TooScoops, by Lftstrafe
TwisterCorrosive, by KuroPanther_M
TwisterFire, by KuroPanther_M
TwisterSlag, by KuroPanther_M
Vendetta, by TheRealVenom
Vertical Grip Fix - BL2, by Aaron0000
Viral_Marketer, by Natsu235
Viral_Marketer (all elements), by Natsu235
Weapon X (Triqueta), by B33PB00PJOE
WTFG, by ozay3444
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