Beckett's' Flame Cannon - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: kunelsanders
Last Updated: June 28, 2017
In Categories: Shotguns
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By kunelsanders
My attempt at the flame cannon that Beckett uses in Gigantic
Replaces the Tidal Wave/Flayer
Max accuracy, locked to no accessory. Sight set to "None" so no movespeed penalty while ADS-ing
Uses the Kerblaster firing mode. Shoots a fire rocket then drops an explosive grenade. Kind of like a combo weapon that features Beckett's Flame Cannon as well as her grenade.
Gibbed code: BL2(hwAAAACqqwAA6INABgGFrkBRg/IM5f8/GxQLKAtQ/v8jQ+GDUg3l)
Nerfed damage a bit
100% effect chance (thanks LftStrafe for the code)
Now featuring LftStrafe's awesome skin! (Props to him it's really good)
Name, Flavour, Fire