Adds Grenade Damage to Slow Hand - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: johnrr6
Last Updated: May 22, 2017
In Categories: Shotguns
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Adds Grenade Damage Bonus to the Slow Hand ##### (Thanks to the_Nocturni for assistance)
This boost makes the Slow Hand slightly OP in testing This is a WIP.....Base Damage should probably be reduced a bit....more work needs to be done on this to make it totally balanced and more viable at OP8.
Copy and paste at the Beggining of the UCP
WARNING! ######## DO NOT use this code if you are going to use the Slow Hand with a Maya Character as the addition of Grenade Damage REMOVES the benefit of Reaper Splash damage on Maya with Slow Hand.
et GD_Iris_Weapons.Projectiles.Projectile_SplatBall_SlowHand:BehaviorproviderDefinition_0.Behavior_Explode_5 DamageSource Class'WillowGame.WillowDmgSource_Grenade'