One Pump Chump - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Aaron0000
Last Updated: January 10, 2020
In Categories: Shotguns
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By Aaron0000 (and thanks to apocalyptech for figuring out the Overcompensator's ammo-chance stuff)
Turns the Overcompensator into the One Pump Chump from Borderlands 3.
Fires a single, high damage and highly accurate bullet.
Magazine size of one.
50% chance to not consume ammo.
NOTE - Any normal Overcompensators will most likely be deleted if you use this mod and enter a save file that has an Overcompensator. Either keep your Overcompensators on another file or don't use this mod with save files that have the Overcompensator on it.
Gibbed Code for OP10 One Pump Chump: BL2(hwAAAABAyRYAaAQOB6HVOgFUg8IEUAEKG5QKKBBQ/v8vAbwA2ATw)