TwisterFire - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: KuroPanther_M

Last Updated: June 11, 2019

In Categories: Shotguns

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Description (from inside mod)

|*|FIRE TWISTER|*|#########|Made by KuroPanther|

|!|WARNING|!| Make sure to execute this file before loading a save, otherwise the weapons/items modified by this mod will be
|!|WARNING|!| deleted from your inventory. Be careful and enjoy!

Replaces the shock twister with a fire one.

The shock twister will be deleted from your inventory (if you have one), so use the gibbed code below to get the fire one
Gibbed code >> BL2(hwAAAACVmwQACIEJB4FErkBRg4KBEgEKGxQLKBJQ/v9noByDcoHy)

If you want the shock twister back, just change its element on gibbed before entering the game and, obviously, not execute this.

|!|WARNING|!| You can only have one element at a time do not execute this with the other versions (corrosive/slag).
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️