Tsunami - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Mods by Tsunami
Borderlands 2
(Go directly to Tsunami's BL2 Github mod directory)
- (Sanity Check MKII (00TheMessiah00 remake)
- 420 BLAZE!!!!!!
- Advancer
- Arrowstorm Dispenser 1.7.10
- Atlas 20mm (Call of duty Advanced Warfare Weapon)
- AtomicMortar
- DAHLSilver
- Defender
- E.S.S.H.A.B.S.M
- ElectroGun
- Felicity's Shotgun
- Fireballer MKII
- FlameThrower
- Fuhrerous
- Handkanone
- Hardcore Weapons (Plan Scraped)
- Homing Missile Pod Zoomy
- Industrial Weapons
- LimitBreak
- LongGun
- MisterMcshotty
- MortarMKII
- Mystery
- Realistic weaponry(Weapon Series)
- Really bright gold ish skins that burns your eyes
- Solar Ray Dispenser (Eco-Friendly Weapon)
- Super Shotgun
- T2000-Concept
- The 00TheMessiah00
- The assault rifle that used to have someone's name on it
- The Barrier Defender MKII
- The Eridian Crossbow
- The Infinitisation++
- The Neutron Star Launcher
- The Party Pooper
- The Reloader
- The Terminator
- The Trumphiator Mortar MKIII
- The Waifu's Raifu
- The XxRobbieQuikscoprxX
- Vladimir Putin
- Widowmaker