Vertical Grip Fix BL2 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Vertical Grip Fix

Author: Aaron0000

Last Updated: July 10, 2018

In Categories: General, Shotguns

Other mods with the same name:

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Description (from inside mod)

By Aaron0000
Adjusts the Vertical Grip so that it gives 40% more projectiles instead of a flat +2 projectiles. It makes the Vertical Grip on shotguns with a high projectile count less redundant.
For shotguns with a very low projectile count, there are options to manually adjust the projectile count since otherwise they would not have an increased pellet count. The shotguns affected are;
Retcher (Becomes an x3 projectile shotgun.)
Slow Hand (Becomes an x3 projectile shotgun.)
Carnage (Uses Unofficial Community Patch changes.)
Swordsplosion (Becomes an x3 projectile shotgun.)
Orphan Maker (Adjusted in such a way that it functions the same as before. 2 without Vertical Grip, 4 with the Vertical Grip.)
Landscaper (Uses part of the Unofficial Community Patch changes.)
Flakker (Uses Unofficial Community Patch changes.)


Non-Vertical: Non-Vertical

Vertical: Vertical

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