Studio Tutorial: Converting Voltage to CSD - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki

ERPLAB Studio contains a Convert Voltage to CSD panel in both the EEG tab and the ERP tab, which is used to transform voltage values into current source density (CSD) values.

Convert Voltage to CSD

This operation makes use of Kayser & Tenke’s CSD Toolbox, which computes a surface Laplacian function to the data at each time point after applying a spherical spline interpolation. We recommend using the default parameters in most situations. You simply click Run, and it will create a new EEGset or ERPset with CSD values instead of voltage values.

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Example Experiment BINLISTER Grand Average Spectral Data Quality
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Artifact Detection Filtering ERPs Re-Sampling; Re-Epoching
Averaging (ERPs) Averaging (Channels) ➡️ Converting to CSD
Artifact Correction Channel Operations
Interpolation Measurement Tool
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