ERPLAB Studio Tutorial - ucdavis/erplab GitHub Wiki

This tutorial will go through the major processing steps involved in a typical ERP experiment using ERPLAB Studio, from importing the raw EEG data through creating averaged ERP waveforms and measuring the amplitudes and latencies of the ERP components.

The assumes that you already understand the basics of EEG and ERP processing. If you need to acquire that background, here are some resources to get you started:

We strongly recommend that you go through this tutorial before trying to use ERPLAB with your own data. At a minimum, we recommend going through Parts 1 and 2.

For a list of all ERPLAB Studio functions, along with detailed information about how to use them, please see the ERPLAB Studio Manual. If you run into problems, make sure you have installed ERPLAB correctly and then see our Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you have questions about using the software or comments of general interest, please post them to the ERPLAB email List. To report bugs, please send an email to [email protected] (including as much detail as possible so that we can reproduce the problem).

Table of Contents

Part 1- Essential Background

Part 2- Basic EEG Processing

Part 3- Basic ERP Processing

Part 4- Other Common Operations

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