msa revision history v22 - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki

Archived Revision History 22.0

New Version IconVersion 22.1.8 - 2022 Edition (1st October 2022)

    • Image Image Speaker button added to the Weekend Meeting Editor window. This allows you to copy the Speaker over to the Concluding Prayer assignment.
    • Image Image The speaker notes / images controls on the Weekend Meeting Editor window have been replaced by a new button Notes and Images. This displays a new Notes and Images pop-up window.
    • Image Image A new Notes and Images button has been added to the Circuit Overseer Service Talk section of the Weekend Meeting Editor window. This displays a new Notes and Images pop-up window. The default Weekend Meeting Worksheet template has been updated.
    • Image Image A new Notes and Images button has been added to the Meeting Editor window. It is only visible when you are using the Circuit Overseer Visit mode. This displays a new Notes and Images pop-up window. The default Worksheet templates have been updated.
    • Image Image Minor translation fixes.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.7 - 2022 Edition (12th September 2022)

    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the check-list of Midweek Meeting Assignments.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Meeting Editor.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the **Meeting Editor **Swap Assignments context menu.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Import from Database History tool.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Auto Assign tool.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Weekend Meeting editor.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Weekend Meeting Swap Assignments context menu.
    • Image Image The Zoom Attendant assignment has been added to the Weekend Meeting Worksheet.
    • Image Image Customize Zoom Attendant label text on the Labels window. 
    • Image Image The Host / Co-Host drop-down lists on the Weekend Meeting window now displays the names from the Publishers Database. They are no longer dynamic drop-down lists.
    • Image Image Updated Hindi song titles (all titles are now translated).
    • Image Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#44, #73, #85, #109, #116, #124, #128, #132, #143).
    • Image Image Updated Arabic public talk titles (#73, #88, #89, #129).
    • Image Image Updated Italian public talk titles (#73, #88).
    • Image Image Complete review of Twi public talk titles.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.6 - 2022 Edition (13th August 2022)

    • Image Image Resolved some issues with the Import from Database History feature.
    • Internal: Updated Google Email NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages
    • Internal: Updated MSA Tools Library NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.5 - 2022 Edition (28th July 2022)

    • Image Image The actual Congregation Bible Study duration is now included with Calendar Sync. Up until now it was hard-coded to 30 minutes, even if the Meeting Editor had a custom duration.
    • Image Image The Preview in Browser sub menu was not displaying.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.4 - 2022 Edition (10th July 2022)


New Version IconVersion 22.1.3 - 2022 Edition (25th June 2022)

    • Image Image Fixed bug with sync to online calendars.
    • Image Image Fixed bug with opening SRR data files that used assignment exclusions.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.2 - 2022 Edition (19th June 2022)

    • Image Image Updated Tamil song titles (#91, #93, #112)
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages
    • Internal: Updated MSA Tools Library NuGet Packages.

New Version IconVersion 22.1.1 - 2022 Edition (7th June 2022)

    • Image Image You can now drag and drop images (in several formats) onto the Weekend Meeting window from File Explorer. These are displayed as a grid of small thumbnails on a new Weekend Meeting Worksheet.
    • Image Image The hotkey CTRL + SHIFT + I that was introduced in version 22.0.3 for the Weekend Meeting window to insert an image into the Speaker Notes has been removed.
    • Image Image Improved the behaviour of the new Auto Assign feature. Now, it will take into account any existing names for the assignments that are not auto assigned (to avoid conflicts).

New Version IconVersion 22.1.0 - 2022 Edition (20th May 2022)

    • Image Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#120, #136)
    • Image Image The Meeting Editor now includes a new Auto Assign feature!
    • Image Image You can now select multiple weeks when synchronizing with the online calendars.
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages

New Version IconVersion 22.0.9 - 2022 Edition (1st May 2022)

    • Image Image Improved the Download Schedule Information feature. It now offers to automatically start the Check for Update process for you (if required).
    • Image Image Updated Danish public talk titles (#75).
    • Image Image Updated Hungarian public talk titles (complete overhaul!).
    • Image Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#86, #87, #95, #103, #139)
    • Image Image Updated Tamil song titles (#4, #16, #23, #26, #30, #31, #39, #41, #42, #47, #74, #83, #87, #94, #95, #98, #116, #132, #133, #147)
    • Image Image Resolved a bug with the Discussion with Video Assignment History. It was displaying the ¬DELETED¬ entries by mistake.
    • Image Image The Assignments Editor now automatically looks for new special events when opening existing SRR schedule files.
    • Image Image You can now indicate which assignments you would like to synchronize with the online calendars. See the Columns help topic for more information.
    • Image Image Resolved a couple of bugs with the Columns window. When you moved an Assignment up / down it would not move the associated check state with it. Also, your chosen Print preferences were being reset every time you started a new schedule.

New Version IconVersion 22.0.8 - 2022 Edition (23rd April 2022)

    • Image Image Updated Danish public talk titles (#26, #40, #60, #74, #79, #121).
    • Image Image Resolved some issues with the Import From OCLM Assignment History feature.
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Google Email NuGet Packages.
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages

New Version IconVersion 22.0.7 - 2022 Edition (4th April 2022)

    • Image Image Updated Arabic public talk titles (#80, #81).
    • Image Image You can now include Midweek Meeting Assignments in the Not Available list in the Assignments Editor. This is done using a new checklist. Use this new feature to help you avoid conflicts of assignment.
    • Image Image Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!

New Version IconVersion 22.0.6 - 2022 Edition (26th March 2022)

    • Image Image The Columns configuration is now applied to the Assignments Editor itself. Previously, the column order was only applied when printing or exporting.
    • Image Image The Columns window is now accessed from the Options menu in the Assignments Editor.
    • Image Image By default the Submit download workbook statistics window is displayed when you press F6 to Download Schedule Information. Setting the Stop displaying this message check box and closing the popup window with No was not working. The window would constantly display every time. This has now been resolved.
    • Image Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#121).

New Version IconVersion 22.0.5 - 2022 Edition (7th March 2022)

    • Image Image The Weekend Meeting was not synchronizing to the Google / Outlook Calendar when there was a Midweek Memorial special event.
    • Image Image In certain situations any changes made to Special Events were not being detected when opening a MWB data file#8202;.
    • Image Image The Videoconference information is now reset (if required) when you click Apply Changes on the Special Events Manager window. This change in behaviour was added to prevent the Meeting Editor from constantly telling you that the special events had been modified when opening the MWB file.
    • Image Image The names in the Assignment History list on the Weekend Meeting window are now limited to those in the Publishers Database. This change in behaviour was added to prevent an ever increasing list of visiting Home Speakers from displaying for the Closing Prayer assignment.
    • Image Image Fixed an issue on the Weekend Meeting window. If you selected the Chairman from the Assignment History list, and the Link was active, the Opening Prayer assignment would not stay in sync.
    • Image Fixed several issues with how the Publishers Database was saving Custom Assignment information.
    • Image Updated Arabic public talk titles (#79, #121).
    • Image Updated Swahili public talk titles (#24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #32, #33, #35, #36, #40, #43, #44, #45, #46, #48, #49, #50, #51, #53, #54, #55, #60, #64, #66, #67, #69, #71, #75, #77, #79, #81, #98, #112, #113, #121).
    • Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#30).

New Version IconVersion 22.0.4 - 2022 Edition (26th February 2022)

    • Image Image Monthly workbook data in Cibemba.
    • Image Image Partial translation: Cibemba.
    • Image Image You can now include a Bethel Speaker Service Talk special event on your schedule.
    • Image Image Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!
    • Image Image Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.1.56.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.56.0
      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      Google.Apis.Core.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.56.0
      log4net.2.0.13 -> log4net.2.0.14
    • Internal: Updated Google Email NuGet Packages:

      Google.Apis.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.1.56.0
      Google.Apis.Auth.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.Auth.1.56.0
      Google.Apis.Core.1.55.0 -> Google.Apis.Core.1.56.0
      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.3.0.0 -> MimeKit.3.1.1
    • Internal: Updated MSA Tools Library NuGet Packages:

      System.ValueTuple.4.3.0 -> System.ValueTuple.4.5.0
      System.Memory.4.5.0 -> System.Memory.4.5.4
      System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.4.5.0 -> System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.6.0.0
      System.Numerics.Vectors.4.4.0 -> System.Numerics.Vectors.4.5.0
      System.Buffers.4.4.0 -> System.Buffers.4.5.1
      Microsoft.CSharp.4.3.0 -> Microsoft.CSharp.4.7.0
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages:

      Microsoft.Graph.4.13.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.4.18.0
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.39.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.41.0

New Version IconVersion 22.0.3 - 2022 Edition (8th February 2022)

    • Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#15, #26, #47, #59, #112, #129).
    • Image Image Insert images into the Speaker Notes on the Weekend Meeting window using the hotkey CTRL + SHIFT + I.
    • Image Image It was not possible to transition from the Slips preview to another preview.
    • Image Image You can now override the Closing Song with custom text.

New Version IconVersion 22.0.2 - 2022 Edition (1st February 2022)

    • Image Updated Arabic public talk titles (#26, #40, #75, #77, #121).
    • Image Updated English public talk titles (#26, #40, #60, #75, #79, #81).
    • Image Updated Italian public talk titles (#26, #40, #60, #75, #77, #79, #80, #81).
    • Image Updated Sesotho public talk titles (#123).
    • Image Image It is now possible to set the Active Schedule Template before starting a new assignments schedule.
    • Image Image You can now link the Chairman and Opening Prayer assignments on the Weekend Meeting window.
    • Image Image It is now possible to set the Foreign-Language Group mode before starting a new midweek schedule.
    • Image Image View Source on the Preview Context menu now displays the underlying HTML content. View XML has been added to display the underlying XML data.
    • Image Image Find has been added to the Meeting Editor Edit menu.
    • Image Image Find has been added to the Preview Context menu.
    • Image Image Export has been removed from the Preview Context menu.
    • Image Image Open File Location has been added to the Preview Context menu.
    • Image Image Find has been added to the Preview Context menu.
    • Image Image Open File Location has been added to the Preview Context menu.
    • Image Image Importing Students from CLM Explorer has been added to the Publisher Database window.
    • Image Image Refresh (F5) was not working in the Meeting Editor if you made live changes to the active template.
    • Image Image Fixed bug with the Meeting Editor where publishers who had duplicate assignments (as an Assistant) was not being highlighted correctly.
    • Image Image Fixed bug with Swapping Assignments on the Weekend Meeting window. The wrong names were being displayed for Concluding Prayer on the fly-out menu.
    • Image Image Fixed bug with purging of the assignment history database. It was supposed to purge at-least every 30 days.
    • Image Image Auto Assign would sometimes crash in the Assignments Editor.
    • Image Fixed several bugs in connection with Special Events in both editors.
    • Image Any Special Events that you added were not showing with a tooltip on the main application calendars unless you restarted the software.
    • Image Closing the software with the Exit menu item now works in the same way as clicking the Close icon in the top right corner of the title bar.
    • Internal: Updated Boost to version 1.78.0

New Version IconVersion 22.0.1 - 2022 Edition (29th December 2021)

    • Image Image Microsoft Edge has been added to the list of support external web browsers. See Preview in Browser for more information.
    • Image Image The Search field is now automatically active when you display the Select Student window.
    • Image An error message was being displayed when you pressed F1. This only happened if you were using offline help and the actual help file was missing. The software now checks for this issue and will problem you to download the offline help again or reset to using online help.
    • Image Updated Punjabi song titles (#41, #45, #82, #138)
    • Internal: Updated Outlook Calendar Interface NuGet Packages:

      Azure.Core.1.18.0 -> Azure.Core.1.21.0
      Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.5.0.0 -> Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.6.0.0
      Microsoft.Graph.4.9.0 -> Microsoft.Graph.4.13.0
      Microsoft.Graph.Core.2.0.5 -> Microsoft.Graph.Core.2.0.7
      Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.37.0 -> Microsoft.Identity.Client.4.39.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.6.12.2 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.6.15.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.6.12.2 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.6.15.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.6.12.2 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.6.15.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.6.12.2 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect.6.15.0
      Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.6.12.2 -> Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.6.15.0
      Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.6.0.0 -> Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms.6.0.1
      System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.6.12.2 -> System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.6.15.0
      System.Text.Encodings.Web.5.0.1 -> System.Text.Encodings.Web.6.0.0
      System.Text.Json.5.0.2 -> System.Text.Json.6.0.1
    • Internal: Updated Google Email NuGet Packages:

      Google.Apis.Gmail.v1. -> Google.Apis.Gmail.v1.
      MimeKit.2.15.1 -> MimeKit.3.0.0
    • Internal: Updated Google Calendar Interface NuGet Packages:

      Google.Apis.Calendar.v3. -> Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.
      NLog.4.7.12 -> NLog.4.7.13
      NLog.Config.4.7.12 -> NLog.Config.4.7.13
      NLog.Schema.4.7.12 -> NLog.Schema.4.7.13

New Version IconVersion 22.0.0 - 2022 Edition (8th December 2021)

    • Image Updated Tamil song titles (#27, #43, #68, #99, #120, #125)
    • Image Updated Arabic public talk titles (#60).
    • Image Help documentation can now be displayed by pressing the F1 function key from most windows in the software.
    • Image Image The Review Question icon has been changed to a Pencil.
    • Image Image A Speaker Notes control has been added to the Weekend Meeting window. This could be used to note down any media requirements that the speaker has. You will have to customize your schedule template if you want to display these notes.
    • Image Image Resolved some minor bugs that were lurking in the background!
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