JUCMNavDevDoc - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
This page contains documentation to help new developers catch onto how jUCMNav works. Pretty much everything that is here is a must read, in my opinion. The documentation is ordered in such a way that a neophyte should read the documentation sequentially. We have added a small UCM to show alternative reading tracks.
This work is licensed Commons Attribution 2.0 Canada License.
- Dev Doc General Overview: General Overview
- DevDocCheckoutCode: How to checkout the code and setup the project
- Dev Doc Coding Standards: Coding Standards
- Dev Doc Plugin XML: How does Eclipse know what our plugin can do?
- Dev Doc Commands: Command Structure
- Command Line PDEJUnit: How to run JUnit plug-in tests from the command line
- Dev Doc Publish New Version: Overview of how to publish a new version of jUCMNav.
- Dev Doc How To Update Metamodel: How to update the URN and/or CORE metamodels
- Dev Doc Generate EMFModel: How to generate a modified EMF model
- Dev Doc Model Utilities: What utilities are in place to help with model manipulations?
- Dev Doc Model Creation Factory: How do we get instances of new model elements?
- Dev Doc EMFNotifications: How do EMF notifications work?
- Dev Doc Meta model Documentation Update: How to generate metamodel documentation with Rose that all browsers can read?
- URN MetaModel: jUCMNav's metamodel
- Dev Doc Multi Page Editor: How does the multipage editor work?
- Dev Doc UCMEditor: How does one editor work?
- Dev Doc Edit Part Creation: How are the edit parts created?
- DevDocEditPolicies: What are edit policies and how do they work?
- Dev Doc Figures: How do figures work?
- Dev Doc Palette: How does the palette work?
- Multi-level contextual menus in Eclipse/GEF
Extra fluff; pretty mandatory stuff for the most part.
- Dev Doc Icons: How can I get access to icons?
- Dev Doc Command Generation: How are commands generated?
- Dev Doc Deletion: How does deletion work?
- Dev Doc Properties: How do the properties work?
- Dev Doc File Management: How are files saved?
- Dev Doc Command Stack: How does the command stack work?
- Dev Doc Outline: How does the outline work?
- Dev Doc Context Menu: How does the contextual menu work?
- Dev Doc Connection Router: How does the connection router work?
- Dev Doc Wizards: How do wizards work?
- Dev Doc Connection On Bottom: How did you put some things (like components or paths) behind path nodes?
- Dev Doc Stub Dialog: How does the stub dialog work?
- Dev Doc I18n: How does the internationalization work?
- Dev Doc Actions: How do actions work?
- Dev Doc Query Infrastructure: How does the query infrastructure work?
- Dev Doc Online Help; How to update the online help and embed it in jUCMNav?
- Dev Doc Special Case Connects: Special casing for Connects
- Dev Doc Special Case Timeout Paths: Timeout Paths
- Dev Doc Algo Deletion: Deletion algorithms
- Auto Layout algorithm
- Dev Doc Plugin: Creating a plugin for jUCMNav
- Dev Doc Import ExportExtension Points: Import/Export extension points
- Dev Doc Guide Add Element: What do I need to do to add a new UCM element to the tool?
- Dev Doc Rules And Metrics: What do I need to do to add new default rules and/or metrics to the tool?
Quick facts that we learned during the development process that might interest some people
- Quick Eclipse Facts
- Quick Eclipse + GEF + EMF dev facts
- Quick Building With Ant Facts
- Quick Eclipse Resources Facts
- Quick TWikiForms Facts
- Gef For Dummies: (French) A guide explaining our understanding of GEF at the start of the project.
- TwikiPlugins: Potential TWiki plug-ins of interest
- jUCMNav on Linux on Virtual PC.