DevDocGenerateEMFModel - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki

EMF for dummies

The following instructions are outdated and only apply to URN metamodel version 0.26 and earlier. Please see Dev Doc How To Update Metamodel for later versions.

Easy way:

  • Make sure you have the latest version from SVN
  • Go into seg.jUCMNav.emf, right click on URN.genmodel, select reload.
  • Choose the *.mdl file, select all packages and click finish.
  • Once done, open the URN.genmodel
  • Check the Property View of the URN tree, make sure that the Model / Model Directory attribute is set to /seg.jUCMNav/src (and not just /jUCMNav/src)
  • Right click on the URN tree item. Select Generate Model Code.
  • Done.

If all else fails way:

  • Make sure you have the last version from SVN
  • Delete the grl, ucm, urn, urncore packages.
  • Delete all files in the seg.jUCMNav.emf package.
  • After selecting the seg.jUCMNav.emf package, create a new EMF model. Name it URN.genmodel and choose load from Rose class model. Select all packages and click finish.
  • Go into seg.jUCMNav.emf, right click on URN.genmodel, select reload.
  • Choose the *.mdl file, select all packages.
  • Once done, open the URN.genmodel and right click on the URN tree item. Select Generate Model Code.
  • Done.