DevDocEditPolicies - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Edit Policies
As you know, the controller in GEF's MVC architecture is the EditPart. In a nutshell, edit policies are attached to editparts to provide behaviour. Because multiple edit parts can reference the same model element (in different views), edit policies are useful in the sense that they can be re-used for different editparts.
One usually attaches an editpolicy on an editpart by implementing its createEditPolicies() method and invoking installEditPolicy().
Example from PathNodeEditPart:
protected void createEditPolicies() {
// install the edit policy to handle connection creation
installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.COMPONENT_ROLE, new PathNodeComponentEditPolicy());
installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.SELECTION_FEEDBACK_ROLE, new PathNodeNonResizableEditPolicy());
installEditPolicy(EditPolicy.LAYOUT_ROLE, new PathNodeXYLayoutEditPolicy());
Note that when installing an edit policy, one needs to specify a role. The help contents provides a good overview for all the different roles. Here are a few useful definitions extracted from the help.
- EditPolicy
An EditPolicy provides a specific editing role to an EditPart. A Role might be something like "layout management". That policy's role is loosely defined by the Requests which it understands. An EditPart iterates over all of its EditPolicies to handle Requests. EditPolicies ignore the Requests that don't apply to them.
- Roles
An EditPolicy is installed into its EditPart using a String identifier key which GEF refers to as a Role. A role is nothing more than the String used when installing an EditPolicy. The purpose of the key or Role is to allow the EditPolicy to be swapped or replaced. Since an EditPart implementation installs its policies, a subclass may need to override a policy added by its superclass. Or, the dynamic state of the model may determine the set of installed EditPolicies. "Role" and "EditPolicy" are used interchangeably.
- Requests
Requests are used to communicate with an EditPart. As mentioned before, the EditPart delegates all Requests to its installed EditPolicies. Each Request has a type identifier which is used to route/filter requests. Once this is done, Requests are sometimes cast to a more specific type to obtain additional information. A typed Request will be referred to as just a "Request" in this document.
Uses in jUCMNav
I must admit we have not researched edit policies very deeply. They are still a bit obscure for us and we use only a small subset of their power. We might be able to clean up the code using more editpolicies but we have concentrated on three main roles. Some of the text that follows has been extracted from the help. Quick note: jUCMNav doesn't use the typical connection mechanisms in place in GEF because we are drawing splines and not point to point connections. Therefore, that may be why we aren't using some of the roles
* COMPONENT_ROLE : The fundamental role that most EditParts should have. A component is something that is in a parent, and can be deleted from that parent. More generally, it is anything that involves only this EditPart (and doesn't involve the view, since it is non-graphical).
- Our editpolicies to be attached to this role are in seg.jUCMNav.editpolicies.element.
- By subclassing ComponentEditPolicy, we add our behaviour for when deletion has been requested (see getDeleteCommand()) * LAYOUT_ROLE: The Layout role is placed on a container EditPart that has a graphical layout. If the layout has constraints, it will handle calculating the proper constraints for the input, or it may have no constraints other than the index where children will be placed.
- Our editpolicies to be attached to this role are in seg.jUCMNav.editpolicies.layout
- MapXYLayoutEditPolicy converts requests into commands that move elements in createChangeConstraintCommand().
- NodeConnectionXYLayoutEditPolicy allows the creation from the palette by implementing getCreateCommand()
- PathNodeXYLayoutEditPolicy and NodeConnectionXYLayoutEditPolicy allow drag&drop of PathNodes on PathNodes && NodeConnections (see ** note below) * SELECTION_FEEDBACK_ROLE: This role is a feedback only. The SelectionTool will send two types of requests to parts as the mouse enters and pauses over objects. EditPolicies implementing this role may alter the EditPart's view in some way, or popup hints and labels and the like.
- Our editpolicies to be attached to this role are in
- eraseTargetFeedback() and showTargetFeedback() are used to perform changes on hover
- showSelection() and hideSelection(0 are used to perform changes on selection
We also use the DIRECT_EDIT_ROLE (edit policy's getDirectEditCommand()) to be able to edit labels directly in the editor.
** Note: jUCMNav allows the user to drag&drop a pathnode on a path segment or another pathnode and witness a transformation. I am not sure how one is supposed to do this cleanly but since dragging is supported by the framework already, I don't think we did it properly. We registered our pathnodes and node connections as editparts that could have children. Therefore, when one drags a path node over another one, the framework fires an event informing the map edit part that it has lost a child, and another to inform the recipient that it has gained one. If you refer to Dev Doc Edit Part Creation, I believe this is to allow children to be moved from one parent to the other. However, we don't want this to happen at all. We're simply taking this notification and returning commands that transform the model but have nothing to do with adding/removing children. Hopefully we are doing it the right way and we won't run into problems down the line.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 28 Jun 2005