URNMetaModel - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
As of jUCMNav 5.5, the XMI serialization of URN models (in .jucm
files) uses identifiers (ID field) as pointers rather than XPath
expressions, whenever IDs are available. For example:
<links xsi:type="grl:Decomposition" id="63" name="Decomposition63" refs="//@urndef/@specDiagrams.0/@connections.0"
dest="//@grlspec/@intElements.0" src="//@grlspec/@intElements.2"/>
<links xsi:type="grl:Decomposition" name="Decomposition63" id="63" refs="//@urndef/@specDiagrams.0/@connections.0" dest="22" src="41"/>
because connections do not have IDs whereas intentional elements do.
The jUCMNav metamodel differs from the URN (Z.151) standard in a number of ways. See:
- Z.151 URN standard metamodel
- Key Differences between the standard metamodel and jUCMNav's.
- In Rational Rose (.mdl) format
- Documentation in HTML (for all browsers)
- Documentation in HTML (original applet-based Rose index, see WARNING
- All documentation as a ZIP file
Note: Several colours for classes are used in this model:
- Green: New in this version (since the last major release)
- Blue: Interface
- Yellow: Not used by jUCMNav at the moment
- Pink: Deprecated
- Additional comments identify deprecated attributes.
Major updates to the ASD, FM, and CORE packages ASDspec is now optional in URNspec
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 23 Sep 2015
EvaluationStrategy now has a type:StrategyType attribute, defaulted to Private (other possible values: Default, Public, Selected)
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 29 Jun 2015
Added CORE, FM, and ASD packages, and all their content. Also connected the new model elements of these packages to the ones previously existing in the metamodel.
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 05 Aug 2014
Skipped (internal development).
KPIEvalValueSet can now support qualitative KPIs * Added KPIConversion, QualitativeMappings, and QualitativeMapping (in package GRL::KPIModel) * Added qualitativeEvaluationValue attribute to KPIEvalValueSet * Added exceeds attribute to Evaluation.
Added importance and importanceQuantitative attributes to Actor
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 22 Sep 2012
EvaluationStrategy (in package GRL) can now include other strategies (similar to scenarios)
- Added self-association (parentStrategies, 0..* -- includedStrategies, 0..*)
ContributionContext (in package GRL) can now include other contexts (similar to scenarios)
- Added self-association (parentContexts, 0..* -- includedContexts, 0..*)
Added in package GRL:
- EvaluationRange (for sensitivity analysis).
- Composition from Evaluation (eval, 1) to EvaluationRange (evalRange, 0..1)
- ContributionRange (for sensitivity analysis).
- Composition from ContributionChange (change, 1) to ContributionRange (contribRange, 0..1)
- KPINewEvalValue (for strategy inclusion)
- Composition from Evaluation (eval, 1) to KPINewEvalValue (kpiNewEvalValue, 0..1)
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 06 Apr 2012
Concern (in package URNcore), for better alignment with Z.151
- Added new association between Concern (inconcern, 0..1) and URNmodelElement (elements, 0..*)
Responsibility Bindings (in package UCM.map), to allow any responsibility definition to be used in such bindings
- Removed association between RespRef (parentResp, 0..1) and ResponsibilityBinding (parentBindings, 0..*)
- Added association between Responsibility (parentResp, 0..1) and ResponsibilityBinding (parentBindings, 0..*)
Performance (in package UCM.Performance), for better alignment with Z.151
- Added enumeration class TimeUnit
- Added new attribute unit:TimeUnit=ms to Workload
- Added new attribute unit:TimeUnit=ms to ActiveResource
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 21 Dec 2009
Aspects (in package UCM.map)
- Removed FailureStartPoint class and its association to Condition (no deprecation needed)
- Added None value to FailureKind
- Added new attribute failureKind:FailureKind=None to StartPoint
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 07 Dec 2009
Diagram (in package UCM.map)
- Split Maplinks into two diagrams (Maplinks and PluginBindings)
- Updated color coding and commented deprecated attributes/classes
Aspects (in package UCM.map)
- Added enumeration classes AspectKind and PointcutKind
- Added class Anything (subclass of PathNode)
- Added new aopointcut and aspect attributes to Stub
- Note: the old pointcut attribute (boolean) is now deprecated
- Added new threshold attribute to NodeConnection
- Added new association between InBinding (inBindingsPlugin, 0..*) and NodeConnection (pointcutExit, 0..1)
- Added new association between OutBinding (outBindingsPlugin, 0..*) and NodeConnection (pointcutEntry, 0..1)
- Changed multiplicity of association between InBinding and StartPoint (role startPoint) from 1 to 0..1
- Changed multiplicity of association between OutBinding and EndPoint (role endPoint) from 1 to 0..1
- Added new local attribute to StartPoint and EndPoint
Failures (in package UCM.map)
- Added enumeration class FailureKind
- Added classes FailurePoint and FailureStartPoint (subclasses of PathNode)
- Added aggregation from FailureStartPoint to Condition
Responsibility bindings (in packages URNcore and UCM.map)
- Added new context attribute to Responsibility
- Added class ResponsibilityBinding
- Added aggregation from PluginBinding to ResponsibilityBinding
- Added 2 associations between ResponsibilityBinding and RespRef
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 03 Dec 2009
Small modifications for better alignment with Z.151
- Added new class Comment (comment box) for GRL and UCM diagrams (connected to IURNdiagram)
- Added WaitKind enumeration (used by WaitingPlace)
- Added Xor to GRL DecompositionType.
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 29 Jun 2009
- Many modifications were done to clean the metamodel and align it with the draft URN standard.
- See http://jucmnav.softwareengineering.ca/twiki/bin/view/UCM/DraftRevisedMetamodel for details
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 15 Feb 2008
See also the discussions and changes to older URN metamodel versions.
A few things need to be considered when updating this metamodel:
- Multiplicities and (private) role names are required for all navigatable association ends
- Java data types for the attributes (Etienne seems to infer that Date does not work)
- All classes have to be included (aggregation) directly or indirectly in the URNspec class.
This is the metamodel (Rose file) used in the MSC export / MSC viewer based on the UCM scenario definitions and traversal mechanism.
Version 2 now has Metadata that can optionally be included in ModelElement objects.
- Scenarios2.mdl: UCM Scenarios Metamodel
- Documentation in HTML (for all browsers)
- Documentation in HTML (original applet-based Rose index, see <a href ="#WARNING">WARNING</a>)
- All documentation as a ZIP file
There has been reports that the original (Rational Rose) HTML version of these metamodels cannot be read properly by common browsers. One issue is that these files include a Java applet. Be sure that your JRE is compatible with your browser (i.e., 32-bit versions of IE9 and Firefox require a 32-bit Java Runtime Environment). If you have a 64-bit JRE, one option that works well is to use Waterfox.
In addition, you may have to adjust the settings of your Java environment (JRE security) to let the applet run, either locall, or from uOttawa:
1) Go to your Configure Java application:
2) Add http://www.site.uottawa.ca (or whatever site where the
documentation is located):
3) When accessing the documentation, you will also need to let the
application run:
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 02 Aug 2014