Z.151URNStandardMetamodel - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
This page contains the URN/Z.151 metamodel (version 2, October 2012) in a form compatible with the [Z.111 standard meta-metamodel]((http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-Z.111-200811-I/en) and independent from jUCMNav's implementation. The jUCMNav metamodel differs from the URN (Z.151) standard in a number of ways. See:
- jUCMNav metamodel
- Key differences between the standard metamodel and jUCMNav's.
- URN-20120905.zip: Z.151 metamodel, in zipped IBM Rose EE format (September 5, 2012)
- Documentation in HTML (for all browsers)
- Documentation in HTML (original applet-based Rose index, see <a href ="http://jucmnav.softwareengineering.ca/ucm/bin/view/ProjetSEG/URNMetaModel#WARNING">WARNING</a>)
- All HTML documentation (for a local copy) as a ZIP file
- Classes in gray and their associations and attributes are part of the concrete syntax metamodel, whereas the classes in white are part of both the abstract syntax and concrete syntax metamodels.
- Diagrams whose names end with Abstract are for the abstract syntax metamodel, whereas those that end with Concrete extend the abstract syntax metamodel with additional classes and relationships (associations, inheritance, and aggregations) to produce the concrete syntax metamodel.
- Diagrams whose names end with Unused are not being used in the Z.151 URN standard document; they are just included for information.
- "Nat" data type is for natural numbers (Z.111 standard meta-metamodel), and "String" is a presentation of the Z.111 Token data type.
The following is the XML schema generated from the metamodel. This schema is used as the interchange format of Z.151 models.
- XML Schema in XSD format (September 2, 2012)
No so far...
See DraftZ151Metamodel.
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 18 Sep 2013