QuickBuildingWithAntFacts - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Quick facts on Ant & Using it to Build Projects In Eclipse
Short tutorial (from onjava.com, sample chapter): attached.
Sample project: in CVS under projetseg/samples/building/DummyProject
You can generate a basic build script by right-clicking on plugin.xml
and selecting PDE Tools > Generate Ant Build File
. There are catches
to this approach, which I'll cover next meeting.
We can have our update packages built with Ant easily too. That means
usecasemaps.org can become an Eclipse update site at some point in the
future and users just have to click Help > Software Updates
to get the
latest version of jUCMNav.
-- Main.JeanPhilippeDaigle - 18 Jan 2005
Might have to change a few things when using CVSNT.:
- The ant script given requires bin to be created (not a major problem)
-- Main.JasonKealey - 19 Jan 2005