DevDocMetamodelDocumentationUpdate - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Metamodel Documentation Update
Generating HTML documentation from a metamodel created with Rational Rose Enterprise Edition requires some doing, especially if we want all broswers to show them easily.
1) Publish in HTML from Rose
First: USE A 1024x768 SCREEN RESOLUTION FOR ROSE (otherwise, the fonts will be ugly).
From Rose, open the metamodel (.mdl
file) and select Tools --> Web
Publisher... The following interface will be shown. Use this
configuration and press Publish.
This will generate a folder with the HTML documentation (and many
subfolders). However, most browsers will not be able to show this
documentation, because the default index.html
makes use of a Java
applet that is seen as unsecured by most browsers. There is a
workaround, but it is difficult to implement and does not always work
(see URNMetaModel#WARNING).
2) Install and Run Home-Made Java Index Generator
To solve the above problem, I have created a small Java program (with
two classes) that creates a static HTML index from a structure of Rose
Web Publisher content (.cnt
) files. I have chosen to show only
packages and diagrams. The rest of the information can be obtained by
clicking on the diagrams (packages, classes and associations) and the
links on the various other details brought up on the web pages.
First, download and unzip This file contains two Java classes with their source code, and one HTML file.
Run the Generate program to produce a menu.html
file. Use the
file from the root directory of the metamodel published by
Rose as a parameter. Then, move this menu file to the Rose folder.
Finally, rename the original index.html
file (in case you want it to
be available to people who can actually run the Rose Java applet), and
copy the provided newindex.html
file into the folder as the new
file. For example:
java Generate "D:\Documents\work\jucmnav\URNMetamodelHTML\contents.cnt" > menu.html
move menu.html D:\Documents\work\jucmnav\URNMetamodelHTML
move D:\Documents\work\jucmnav\URNMetamodelHTML\index.html D:\Documents\work\jucmnav\URNMetamodelHTML\oldindex.html
copy newindex.html D:\Documents\work\jucmnav\URNMetamodelHTML\index.html
This new index.html
uses frames to include the previous menu.html
and another frame (labelled contents_frame
by Rose Web Publisher) for
content visualization. You may want to test the index, and adjust the
width of the menu frame if not wide enough. By default, it is:
<frameset COLS="250,*">
3) Deployment
Zip this folder and upload it on the Web (to be accessed by Wiki). Update the Wiki to create links to the two index files. For example, see what is on URNMetaModel
* In [%ATTACHURL%/URN_27.mdl][Rational Rose (.mdl)](/JUCMNAV/projetseg-update/wiki/%ATTACHURL%/URN_27.mdl][Rational-Rose-(.mdl)) format
* [][Documentation](][Documentation) in HTML (for all browsers)
* [][Documentation](][Documentation) in HTML (original applet-based Rose index, see <a href ="#WARNING">WARNING</a>)
* All documentation as a [][ZIP file](][ZIP file)
That's it!
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 03 Aug 2014