QuickTwikiFormsFacts - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki

I suggest the use of TWiki.TWikiForms for managing requirements. It takes a while to figure them out, but once this is done they become very powerful.

  1. To create a Wiki form, you first need to create a table (in a new topic page) that defines the fields, their types, etc.
  1. To enable this form, you need to add its name to the WEBFORMS field by editing WebPreferences (in your Wiki Web). Then, each time you edit a page, you will have the opportunity to add a form (there is a new button) from a list of forms and then input values for its fields.
  1. To create an index table (with a subset of the fields), you need to write a SEARCH query. Note that the resulting table can be sorted by clicking (once or twice) on a column header. -- Documentation: TWiki.TWikiVariables#VarSEARCH -- Example: UCMNav Requirements
  2. In such a query, one needs to provide the headers and format of the table and access the fields of the filled forms.
  1. Editing a form can only be done in a topic page. What is interesting is that we can use the Wiki topic page for capturing a discussion and the rationale for this requirement, on top of the form. The discussion can then be summarized by providing another search query. For instance:

-- Main.DanielAmyot - 16 Jan 2005