UCMNavRequirements - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Current Requirements
Name | Description | Type | Importance | Priority | Status | Dependencies | Date |
Req Action Redo Many | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to redo many of the latest transformations or actions undone on the UCM model. | Functional | Optional | Low | Completed | Req Action Undo Many, Req Action Redo One | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:20 |
Req Action Redo One | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to redo the latest undone transformation or action on the UCM model. | Functional | Optional | Low | Completed | Req Action Undo One | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:20 |
Req Action Undo Many | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to undo many of the latest transformations or actions on the UCM model. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Completed | Req Action Undo One | 14 Feb 2006 - 11:37 |
Req Action Undo One | jUCMNav SHALL allow the user to undo the latest transformation or action on the UCM model. | Functional | Optional | Urgent | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:21 | |
Req ADLInteroperability | Given that UCM can be used both to discover architecture and to investigate it a move to some form of interoperability between ADL approaches such as Able/ACMEStudio (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~acme/AcmeStudio/AcmeStudio.html)or XAch (http://www.isr.uci.edu/projects/xarchuci/) to support Software Architecture definiton or reverse engineering would be useful. | Goal | Future | Low | Proposed | 17 Oct 2005 - 21:34 | |
Req Area Zoom Scroll | jUCMNav SHALL support the zooming the work area and scrolling. | GUI | Mandatory | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:22 | |
Req Browse History | jUCMNav SHALL support the browsing of the history of navigation (previous/next). | GUI | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:21 | |
Req Browse Model | jUCMNav SHALL support browsing and selecting the UCMs and their elements in a tree structure on a panel different from the main work area. | GUI | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:21 | |
Req Char Bound Start End | jUCMNav SHOULD display between accolades the parent stub's IN/OUT labels bound to the start/end points, when the map is a plug-in (e.g., thestart{IN1}, theend{OUT3}). | GUI | Optional | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:24 | |
Req Char Conditions | jUCMNav SHALL display conditions on branches between square brackets (e.g., [condition]). | GUI | Mandatory | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:24 | |
Req Char Multi Lingual | jUCMNav SHOULD support a multi-lingual character code for capturing labels and descriptions. | GUI | Optional | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:24 | |
Req Char Signatures | jUCMNav is INTENDED to display the type signatures of start and end points between parenthesis. | GUI | Optional | Low | Approved | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:32 | |
Req Char Stub In Out | jUCMNav SHALL display the stub entry/exit segment labels (e.g., IN1, IN2, OUT1, OUT2) in gray, uppercase, and with a smaller font size. | GUI | Mandatory | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:24 | |
Req Comments | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the creation, resising, deletion, and display of user-defined comments anywhere on a diagram. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:32 | |
Req Comp | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, deletion, naming, editing, resizing, and moving of UCM components. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 06 May 2005 - 13:58 | |
Req Comp Color | jUCMNav SHOULD support line and fill colors for components. | GUI | Optional | Low | Completed | Req Comp | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:24 |
Req Comp Comp Bind | jUCMNav SHALL support the (containment) binding of a component to another component. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Comp | 06 May 2005 - 13:59 |
Req Comp Comp Unbind | jUCMNav SHALL support the unbinding of a component contained in (bound to) another component. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Comp | 06 May 2005 - 13:59 |
Req Comp Path Bind | jUCMNav SHALL support the (containment) binding of a path element to a component. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Comp | 06 May 2005 - 13:59 |
Req Comp Path Unbind | jUCMNav SHALL support the unbinding of path elements contained in (bound to) a component. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Comp | 06 May 2005 - 13:59 |
Req Comp Pools | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM pools. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | 14 Feb 2005 - 22:19 | |
Req Comp Type | jUCMNav SHALL support the unbinding of path elements contained in (bound to) a component. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Completed | Req Comp | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 |
Req Comp User Types | jUCMNav is INTENDED to suppor user-defined component types, with user-provided bitmaps. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Comp | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:11 |
Req Connections | jUCMNav SHALL support connecting an end point to a start/wait/timer. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 | |
Req Connections Async | jUCMNav SHALL support connecting an end point to a start/wait/timer. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Completed | Req Connections | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 |
Req Cut Copy Paste Support | jUCMNAV SHALL support cut/copy/paste operations | Functional | Optional | Low | Proposed | 20 May 2005 - 11:32 | |
Req Display Abstract API | jUCMNav SHOULD offer an abstract API or layer to support the display and export (e.g., to EPS) UCM diagrams. | Non Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:09 | |
Req Documentation | jUCMNav code SHALL be accompanied with documentation on how to add new element/component types, menu items, functionalities, and tests. | Non Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:31 | |
Req Elem Abort | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM aborts. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:26 | |
Req Elem And Fork | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM and forks. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 10 Jun 2005 - 13:43 | |
Req Elem And Join | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM and joins. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:36 | |
Req Elem Delete | jUCMNav SHALL support the deletion of path elements. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 | |
Req Elem Direction Arrow | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation and moving of UCM direction arrows. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 | |
Req Elem Dynamic Components | jUCMNav SHALL support the dynamic components (slots). | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | Req Comp Pools | 14 Feb 2005 - 21:36 |
Req Elem Dynamic Responsibility | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM dynamic responsibilities. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:14 | |
Req Elem Dynamic Stub | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM dynamic stubs. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Elem Empty Point | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM empty points. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 31 May 2005 - 16:36 | |
Req Elem Empty Responsibility | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, editing, and moving of UCM empty responsibilities. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Elem Responsibility | 20 May 2005 - 11:24 |
Req Elem End Point | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, editing, and moving of UCM end points. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:25 | |
Req Elem Failure Point | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM failure points. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:32 | |
Req Elem Goals | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM goals. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:24 | |
Req Elem Loops | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM loops. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Elem Or Fork | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM or forks. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Elem Or Join | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM OR joins. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 10 Jun 2005 - 13:43 | |
Req Elem Responsibility | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM responsibilities. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 31 May 2005 - 16:40 | |
Req Elem Shared Responsibilities | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM shared responsibilities. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:20 | |
Req Elem Shared Stubs | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM shared stubs. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:21 | |
Req Elem Start Point | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM start points. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Elem Start Point Attributes | jUCMNav SHALL provide the following attributes for start points: name, workload | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Elem Start Point | 10 Jun 2005 - 13:43 |
Req Elem Static Stub | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM static stubs. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Elem Stub Actions | jUCMNAV stubs SHALL allow the following actions: create plug-in, view plug-in, add plug-in, remove plug-in, rename plug-in, bind plug-in, properties. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Started | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:31 | |
Req Elem Stub Other Actions | jUCMNAV stubs SHOULD allow the following actions: duplicate plug-in, import plug-in. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Elem Static Stub | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:40 |
Req Elem Stub Other Actions | jUCMNAV stubs SHOULD allow the following actions: duplicate plug-in, import plug-in. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Elem Static Stub | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:40 |
Req Elem Timer | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM timers. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Elem Timestamp | jUCMNav SHOULD support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM timestamps. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:26 | |
Req Elem Wait | jjUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, and moving of UCM wait items. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Export Bitmap | jUCMNav SHALL support the export of a selection of maps (current, current and submaps, all maps) to individual bitmap files. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:32 | |
Req Export EPS | jUCMNav SHALL support the export of a selection of maps (current, current and submaps, all maps) to individual Encapsulated Post Script? files. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | Req Print Diagram | 14 Feb 2005 - 21:48 |
Req Export Map | jUCMNav SHOULD support the export of a selection of maps (current, current and submaps, all maps) to a file. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Save | 06 Feb 2005 - 21:38 |
Req Export SVG | jUCMNav SHOULD support the export of a selection of maps (current, current and submaps, all maps) to individual Scalable Vector Graphics files. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 10 Feb 2005 - 19:22 | |
Req File Association | jUCMNav SHOULD be the application selected by the OS for its files (e.g., .jucm) | Platform | Optional | Low | Rejected | Req Open | 10 Feb 2005 - 19:22 |
Req Goal Attributes | jUCMNav is INTENDED to provide access to as many attributes from the metamodel as possible. | Goal | Future | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Goal Auto Layout | jUCMNav is INTENDED to support the automatic layout of UCM diagrams. | Goal | Future | Low | Started | 19 May 2005 - 15:25 | |
Req Goal Browsing | jUCMNav is INTENDED to support navigation of UCM model in a Web-browser-like way. | Goal | Future | Urgent | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:08 | |
Req Goal Command Line | jUCMNAv is INTENDED to support a command line interface. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:08 | |
Req Goal Composite Scenarios | jUCMNav is INTENDED to allow scenarios to be defined based on existing scenario definitions. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:09 | |
Req Goal Grl Support | jUCMNav INTENDS to support the complete User Requirements Notation, including GRL | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 06 Feb 2005 - 21:44 | |
Req Goal Gui Standards | jUCMNav is INTENDED to comply to the Eclipse GUI standards as much as possible. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:22 | |
Req Goal Multi Language | jUCMNav is INTENDED to support multiple languages for the GUI, including English and French. | Goal | Future | Low | Completed | Req Char Multi Lingual | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 |
Req Goal Open API | jUCMNav is INTENDED to be an open an extensible tool, which can be achieved via an open API. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:04 | |
Req Goal Scripting | jUCMNav INTENDS to support a scripting language enabling all the functionalities available via the GUI | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:12 | |
Req Goal Shortcuts | jUCMNav is INTENDED to provide keyboard access to its functionalities and menus. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | Req Goal Gui Standards | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:23 |
Req Goal Traversal | jUCMNav INTENDS to support model traversal based on scenario definitions. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 06 Feb 2005 - 21:47 | |
Req Goal Well Formed UCM | jUCMNav is INTENDED to ensure that only well-formed UCMs will be constructed. | Goal | Future | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:32 | |
Req Help About | jUCMNav SHALL have an About menu item that displays the tool version, contributors, acknowledgements, and copyright notices. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Help Contextual | jUCMNav SHOULD provide contextual help for its GUI components. | GUI | Optional | Low | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:03 | |
Req Help On Line | jUCMNav SHALL include a searchable on-line help on its functionalities. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:32 | |
Req Help Tool Tips | jUCMNav SHOULD provide tool tips for all the GUI buttons and panels. | GUI | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Goal Gui Standards | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:14 |
Req Help Tool Tips | jUCMNav SHOULD provide tool tips for all the GUI buttons and panels. | GUI | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Goal Gui Standards | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:14 |
Req Java Version | jUCMNav SHALL be executable on Java 1.5 | Non Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:14 | |
Req Labels | jUCMNAV SHALL support labels anchored to elements and positioned via X-Y deltas. | GUI | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Model Compare | jUCMNav is INTENDED to enable the comparison between two use case map models (including two versions of the same model) and emphasize the differences. | Goal | Future | Low | Approved | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:13 | |
Req Model Hyperlink | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to anotate any model element with a hyperlink (Unified Resource Locator) and to visit this URL. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:30 | |
Req Model Merge | jUCMNav is INTENDED to support the merging of two UCM models. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Model Compare | 17 Feb 2005 - 13:16 |
Req Model Search | jUCMNav SHOULD support user-defined searches for elements in a UCM model. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:18 | |
Req Mode Move All | jUCMNav SHOULD offer a default mode where modifying sizes and positions of all elements is allowed. | Functional | Optional | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Mode Move Nothing | jUCMNav SHOULD offer a mode where modifying sizes and positions of all elements is prevented. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:15 | |
Req Mode Move Paths | jUCMNav SHOULD offer a mode where modifying sizes and positions of components only is prevented. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:16 | |
Req Multi Windows | jUCMNav SHALL support the editing of multiple UCM diagrams simultaneously. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 | |
Req Open | jUCMNav SHALL support opening a document from its XMI serialization. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 19 May 2005 - 15:26 | |
Req Open Old DTD | jUCMNav SHOULD support the opening or import of .ucm files compliant to the UCM DTD 0.23. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | 14 Feb 2005 - 22:17 | |
Req Open Previous | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to open recently accessed files (e.g. any of the last four) via the menu. | GUI | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Open | 14 Feb 2005 - 22:17 |
Req Print Diagram | jUCMNav SHALL support the printing of a diagram or a selection of diagrams. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | 14 Feb 2005 - 22:17 | |
Req Print Preview | jUCMNAv SHOULD support the preview of the document on screen for user confirmation. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Print Diagram | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:27 |
Req Print Properties | jUCMNav SHOULD support user-defined page properties for printing documents. | Functional | Optional | Low | Approved | Req Print Diagram | 16 Feb 2005 - 17:20 |
Req Print Report | jUCMNav SHALL support the generation of printable reports that include the UCM diagrams and at least these options: UCM selection, date/time, and description of responsibilities, components, stubs, conditions, scenario definitions, and performance annotations. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | Req Print Diagram | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:10 |
Req Save | jUCMNav SHALL support saving the document (in XMI) to a known filename. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Approved | Req save as | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 |
Req Save Auto | jUCMNav SHALL provide an auto-save (to a different file with the same name but with a different extension) option with user-defined intervals. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | Req Save | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:13 |
Req Save Auto Revert | jUCMNav SHALL support the opening of the last auto-saved version of the document. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | Req Open, Req Save Auto | 16 Feb 2005 - 22:14 |
Req Save Backup | jUCMNav SHALL make a backup of the existing file before saving the latest version of the document. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | 25 May 2005 - 19:57 | |
Req Save Schema | jUCMNav SHALL support saving the document to a known filename valid according to the URN DTD. | Functional | Mandatory | Low | Approved | 25 16 Feb 2005 - 17:43 | |
Req Select All | jUCMNav SHALL support the selection of all elements in the current UCM. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Select Feedback | jUCMNav SHALL provide visual feedback about selected model elements. | GUI | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | Req Select Single, Req Select Group | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 |
Req Select Group | jUCMNav SHALL support the selection of groups of elements, at least via multiple shift-clicks and via selection box dragging. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Completed | Req Select Single | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 |
Req Select Group Align | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to align the elements in a group of selected items: top, center vertically, bottom, left, center horizontally, or right. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Select Group | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:21 |
Req Select Group Delete | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to align the elements in a group of selected items: top, center vertically, bottom, left, center horizontally, or right. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Select Group | 06 Feb 2005 - 22:21 |
Req Select Group Distr | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to distribute the elements in a group of selected items: vertically or horizontally. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Approved | Req Select Group | 10 Feb 2005 - 14:03 |
Req Select Group Move | jUCMNav SHALL allow the user to move a group of selected items. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Approved | Req Select Group | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 |
Req Select Single | jUCMNav SHALL support the single-click selection of a desired UCM component or path element. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Select Unselect All | jUCMNav SHALL allow the user to unselect all selected elements. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Completed | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 | |
Req Select Unselect One | jUCMNav SHALL allow the user to unselect one element in a group selected elements. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Approved | Req Select Group | 01 Jun 2005 - 21:37 |
Req Static Semantic Check | The system shall check, upon user’s request, all enabled static semantics checking rules on the URN model that is being opened in jUCMNav. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 23 Jan 2008 - 13:00 | |
Req Static Semantic Disable | The system shall allow users to disable static semantics checking rules. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:55 | |
Req Static Semantic Enable | The system shall allow users to enable static semantics checking rules. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:54 | |
Req Static Semantic Modify | The system should allow defined rules to be changed without the need to recompile jUCMNav | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:51 | |
Req Static Semantic New | The system shall allow new rules to be added without the need to recompile jUCMNav | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:56 | |
Req Static Semantic Report | The system shall report rules violations to the user. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:55 | |
Req Static Semantic Share Export | The system shall allow a user to save rules into a file. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:57 | |
Req Static Semantic Share Import | The system shall allow a user to load rules saved in a file into the system. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 27 Jan 2008 - 21:52 | |
Req View Full Screen | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to navigate a UCM model in full screen mode (can be within a window with menu). | GUI | Optional | Low | Completed | 14 Jul 2005 - 13:29 |
jUCMNav 2.0 Requirements
- Requirements by authors.
- Verification strategies and related test cases.
- Mandatory high/low with all information
- Here is a summary of the discussions (risks, rationales, feasibility) related to our requirements.
Twiki.TWikiForms will be used to manage requirements. See QuickTwikiFormsFacts for explanations on such forms.
- Each new requirement goes into a new topic page starting with
- This also means no other topic page in this Wiki should have this prefix.
- In the form, the name of the requirement should be the same as the topic page's.
- The fields are briefly explained in FormForReq. Explanations also show as tool tips in the forms.
- Make sure your names are well choses and your requirements well
- Requirements should be testable, concise, unambiguous, feasible, etc. (note that this very sentence is not a requirement but more like a goal or even a wish...).
- Do not hesitate to use the topic pages to discuss risks, feasibility, rationales, etc. for your requirements. Sign and date your comments.
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 16 Jan 2005