JUCMNavRequirementsVer2 - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
jUCMNav 2.0 Requirements (GRL version)
Name | Description | Type | Importance | Priority | Status | Dependencies | Date |
GRLReq Actor | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, resizing and moving actors | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:43 | |
GRLReq Actor Actor Bind | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, naming, editing, resizing and moving actors | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Actor | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:52 |
GRLReq Actor Actor Unbind | jUCMNav SHALL support the unbinding of an actor contained in (bound to) another actor. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Actor | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:53 |
GRLReq Actor Bind | jUCMNav SHALL support the (containment) binding of intentional elements to an actor. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Actor, GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:55 |
GRLReq Actor Color | jUCMNav SHOULD support line and fill color for actors | GUI | Optional | Low | Implemented | GRL Req Actor | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:55 |
GRLReq Actor Ref | jUCMNav SHALL support multiple references to the same actor definition | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Actor | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:56 |
GRLReq Actor Unbind | jUCMNav SHALL support the unbinding of an intentional element contained in (bound to) an actor. | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Actor, GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:56 |
GRLReq Association | jUCMNav SHALL support associations between Grl intentional elements and UCM elements | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:56 |
GRLReq Association Operational | jUCMNav SHALL support association between operational GRL elements and UCM elements | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRLReq Association | 13 Sep 2006 - 21:57 |
GRLReq Association Performance | jUCMNav SHOULD report performance evaluation done with the UCM in the GRL model, through the associations, to calculate the evaluation level of the GRL elements | Goal | Future | Low | Proposed | GRLReq Evaluation, GRLReq Association | 31 Oct 2005 - 16:53 |
GRLReq Association Scenario | jUCMNav SHOULD shows UCM scenarios based on modifications coming from the associations with GRL elements | Goal | Future | Low | Proposed | Req Goal Traversal, GRLReq Association | 31 Oct 2005 - 16:53 |
GRLReq Belief | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, deletion, naming, editing, resizing, describing and moving of Beliefs | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:01 | |
GRLReq Belief Color | jUCMNav SHOULD support line, fill and text color for beliefs | GUI | Optional | Low | Implemented | GRLReq Belief | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:02 |
GRLReq Catalog | jUCMNav SHALL allow users to create and edit URN reusable catalog. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:02 | |
GRLReq Catalog Export | jUCMNav SHOULD support exporting a URN model to a catalog | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | GRLReq Catalog | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:03 |
GRLReq Catalog Grl Info | jUCMNav SHALL support cataloguing grl intentional elements decomposition and contribution(correlation). | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:03 |
GRLReq Catalog Import | jUCMNav SHALL support importing catalog information into a URN model. | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:03 |
GRLReq Catalog Ucm Info | jUCMNav SHALL support cataloguing associations between GRL elements and UCM elements. | Functional | OPtional | Low | Rejected | GRLReq Intentional Element, GRLReq Catalog Grl Info | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:03 |
GRLReq Catalog Update | jUCMNav SHOULD support updating a catalog based on the URN model loaded. | Functional | OPtional | Medium | Proposed | GRLReq Catalog | 31 Oct 2005 - 19:19 |
GRLReq DOORS | jUCMNav SHOULD support exporting GRL diagram in Telelogic DOORS | Functional | OPtional | Low | Proposed | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:06 | |
GRLReq Eval Set Association | jUCMNav SHALL support modification of the UCM model based on the evaluation set choose by the user. | Functional | Future | Low | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:06 | |
GRLReq Link Decomposition | jUCMNav SHALL support decomposition of intentional elements | Functional | Manadatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRLReq Link | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:21 |
GRL Req Eval Set Contrib Delta | jUCMNav SHALL support modification of contribution type(delta) in evaluation set. | Functional | Manadatory | Urgent | Rejeceted | GRL Req Evaluation Set, GRL Req Link Contribution Type | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:10 |
GRL Req Evaluation | jUCMNav SHALL support fuzzy evaluation level for the intentional elements ( Satisficed, Weakly Satisficed, Undecided, Weakly Denied, Denied, Conflict) | Functional | Manadatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:10 |
GRL Req Evaluation Calculation | jUCMNav SHALL support automatic calculation of the evaluation level of intentional elements based on the evaluation defined on others elements and links between them. | Functional | Manadatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Evaluation, GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:11 |
GRL Req Evaluation Num | jUCMNav SHOULD support using numerical value as the evaluation level | Functional | Optional | Meduim | Implemented | GRL Req Evaluation, GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:11 |
GRL Req Evaluation Set | jUCMNav SHOULD support using numerical value as the evaluation level | Functional | Mandatory | Meduim | Implemented | GRL Req Evaluation | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:14 |
GRL Req Evaluation Switch | jUCMNav SHOULD support switching easily between the numerical evaluation and the fuzzy evaluation | GUI | Optional | Meduim | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:14 | |
GRL Req Feedback | jUCMNav SHOULD provide feedback before editing and adding intentional elements and links | GUI | Mandatory | Meduim | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element, GRL Req Link | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:14 |
GRL Req GRL Diagram View | jUCMNav SHOULD support view of grl diagram at different level of abstraction (with actors elements expanded of not) | GUI | Future | Low | Proposed | 04 Nov 2005 - 12:22 | |
GRL Req Int Criticality Priority Feedback | jUCMNav SHOULD provide feedback to user on elements that have high criticality or high priority and low evaluation level. | Functional | Optional | Medium | Rejected | GRL Req Intentional Element, GRL Req Intentional Criticality, [GRLReqIntentionalPriority](GRL Req Intentional Priority) | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:16 |
GRLReqIntentionalColor | jUCMNav SHOULD support line, fill and text colors for intentional elements. | GUI | Optional | Low | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:17 |
GRL Req Intentional Element | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, deletion, naming, editing and moving of GRL intentional element | GUI | Optional | Urgent | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:17 | |
GRL Req Intentional Element | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, deletion, naming, editing and moving of GRL intentional element | GUI | Optional | Urgent | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:17 | |
GRL Req Intentional Priority | jUCMNav SHOULD support setting and modification of the priority of an intentional element (low, medium or high). | Functional | Optional | Meduim | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:18 |
GRL Req Intentional Ref | jUCMNav SHALL support multiple references to the same intentional element definition | Functional | Manadory | Meduim | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:18 |
GRLReqIntentionalType | jUCMNav SHALL support the types of intentional elements (goal, softgoal, resource, task) | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:18 |
GRL Req Link | jUCMNav SHALL support the creation, editing and moving links between intentional elements | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:19 |
GRL Req Link Contribution | jUCMNav SHALL support contribution to intentional elements | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Link | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:19 |
GRL Req Link Contribution | jUCMNav SHALL support contribution to intentional elements | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Link | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:19 |
GRL Req Link Contribution Cor | jUCMNav SHALL support standard contribution and correlation | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Link Contribution | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:19 |
GRL Req Link Contribution Label | jUCMNav SHALL show contribution type as a label anchored to the contribution and positioned via X-Y deltas. | GUI | Manadory | Medium | Implemented | GRL Req Link Contribution,GRL Req Link Contribution Type | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:20 |
GRL Req Link Contribution Type | jUCMNav SHOULD support adding and editing contribution level (Break, Hurt, Some, Unknown, Some+, Help, and Make) to contribution | Functional | Manadory | Urgent | Implemented | GRL Req Link Contribution | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:21 |
GRLReq Link Decomposition Type | jUCMNav SHALL support AND decomposition and OR decomposition of intentional elements | Functional | Manadatory | Meduim | Implemented | GRLReq Link Decomposition, GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:21 |
GRLReq Link Decomposition Type Mod | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to modify easily the decomposition type (AND or OR) of an intentional element | GUI | OPtional | Low | Implemented | GRLReq Link Decomposition Type | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:22 |
GRLReq Link Dependency | jUCMNav SHALL support dependency between intentional elements (this type of relation is between 3 intentional elements: depender, dependum and dependee) | Functional | Mandatory | Urgent | Implemented | GRLReq Link, GRLReq Intentional Element | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:23 |
GRLReq Link Ref | jUCMNav SHALL support multiple instances of the same links between intentional elements | Functional | Mandatory | Medium | Implemented | GRLReq Link | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:23 |
GRLReq Link Ref Visible | jUCMNav SHOULD allow the user to set a link in a diagram visible or not. | GUI | Optional | Low | Implemented | GRLReq Link Ref | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:25 |
GRLReq URNDiagram | jUCMNav SHALL support mulitple URN diagrams (UCM and GRL diagrams) | Functional | Optional | Urgent | Implemented | 13 Sep 2006 - 22:25 |
-- Main.JeanFrancoisRoy - 26 Oct 2005