DevDocPalette - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki



  • The palette is managed by the GEF framework. As a GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette, the UCM Editor has a collapsible palette that can even be extracted into an external view.
  • All we need to do is create a palette root that defines its contents.
  • Our palette related classes are in seg.jUCMNav.editors.palette


  • The palette must be registered in the EditDomain, as mentioned in Dev Doc UCMEditor.
  • GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette features this code:
 * Sets the edit domain for this editor.
 * @param   ed   The new EditDomain
protected void setEditDomain(DefaultEditDomain ed) {
  • We override getPaletteRoot() and provide a simple implementation that creates a new instanceof seg.jUCMNav.editors.palette.UcmPaletteRoot (which extends PaletteRoot)
  • Usually, a PaletteRoot doesn't need to know its editor, but we had to work it in because we're invoking the ModelCreationFactory and need to pass a valid URNspec.
  • The palette memorizes its state in the preference store, but that is not very important for us now.
  • The palette is built in buildPalette(), a private method invoked by our constructors.
  • Basically, we add a PaletteGroup, PaletteDrawers and ToolEntries to build the palette. The rest is managed by the framework.
  • Groups and Drawers are straightforward from the code.

Tool Entries * See

  • A ToolEntry is simply a wrapper around an actual Tool. It defines its palette icons and text.
  • The selection tool is already created for us: SelectionToolEntry.
  • Usually, the palette contains many CreationToolEntries. We choose to use CombinedTemplateCreationEntry for all our tools. This class instanciates CreationTool with a model creation factory.
  • The default behaviour for CreationTool is to restore the default palette state (selection tool) after use. We wanted to keep the currently selected tool active; we subclassed both previously mentioned classes into UCMElementCreationEntry and UCMElementCreationTool to achieve this behaviour.
  • We also created the PathTool (and corresponding PathToolEntry) to help us extend paths.
  • The PathTool is a finite state machine that decides what to create depending on the current selection. The destination MapAndPathGraphXYLayoutEditPolicy and NodeConnectionXYLayoutEditPolicy handle the insertion of the newly created objects into the use case map, as they do with all other CreationTools.

UCMElementCreationEntry * As CombinedTemplateCreationEntries are passed many parameters in their constructor, I will explain an example here.

        entry = new UCMElementCreationEntry(Messages.getString(""), Messages.getString("UcmPaletteRoot.createActor"), ComponentRef.class, new ModelCreationFactory(getURNspec(), ComponentRef.class, //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                ComponentKind.ACTOR), ImageDescriptor.createFromFile(JUCMNavPlugin.class, "icons/Actor16.gif"), ImageDescriptor.createFromFile( //$NON-NLS-1$
                JUCMNavPlugin.class, "icons/Actor24.gif")); //$NON-NLS-1$
  • To be read more easily, the format is as such:
        entry = new UCMElementCreationEntry(_*Short String Description*_, _*Long String Description*_, _*Class Being Created*_, _*Instance of factory for which getNewObject() can be invoked to obtain new object*_, _*Small icon*_, _*Large icon*_); 
  • The class being created is used for informational purposes at the destination edit policy (via a CreateRequest).
  • For more information about the factory, see Dev Doc Model Creation Factory.

-- Main.JasonKealey - 05 Jul 2005