DevDocCheckoutCode - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Developer setup
- Setting up your Eclipse to start developing on jUCMNav is fairly straightforward but there are a few things to remember.
- This guide was initially written for Eclipse 3.0.1 and upgraded, some aspects may have changed as Eclipse evolves...
- We now need Eclipse 4.4 and above as a development environment.
Installing Eclipse and required plug-ins
Eclipse 4.4 Modeling Tools or more recent
- Download Eclipse Modeling Tools
- Install "Web Tools Platform (WTP)" from an appropriate Eclipse update site (e.g.:
IMPORTANT: Alternatively, you can unzip the attached bundle zip file to your eclipse/plugins folder. It does not contain what is required to run Web services for dynamically feeding data to KPI values, but it allows to compile and run the tool.
Setup from Subversion Server (SVN)
Install- Help -> Install New Software...
- Add Remote Site
- Name: subclipse
- URL:
- Select all subclipse update site (others have been added) (Next)
- Select all features, or minimally Core SVNKit Library, Optional JNA library, and Subclipse (Next)
- Accept the terms (Next)
- Finish
Checkout the code
Checkout takes the code from the repository and saves it on your machine.
- Window -> Show View -> Other -> SVN -> SVN Repository
- Right click in SVN Repository view -> New -> Repository Location
- Location Url: svn://
- svn:// -> trunk -> seg.jUCMNav (right click) -> Checkout as project
Checking out the code does not require a username/password. However, committing code requires it. If you need authentication user/password, contact [email protected]
NOTE: If you get an error about JavaHL, please see this relevant information. (Thanks Marc van Zee for reporting this)
Setup project properties
Eclipse 4.2 and above
We use JDK 1.7 compatibility (should also work with 1.8). JDK 1.6 is no longer sufficient. Follow the following steps.
- Right-click on the seg.jUCMNav project you just created, choose properties.
- Choose Java Compiler
- Check Enable Project Specific Settings
- Put the JDK compliance to 1.7 as in the following screenshot.
- Accept this and give Eclipse a while to rebuild the solution.
Run/Debug/Test jUCMNav
- Developers should always have assertions enabled when running jUCMNav as our commands are built to catch bugs using assertions.
- In the Debug or Run configuration preferences (accessible by right-clicking on the project name), select Run-time workbench as the configuration used to run jUCMNav. Create a new configuration (jUCMNav) if necessary.
- Make sure you have the -ea Java Virtual Machine attribute set.
- jUCMnav: Runtime workbench settings
- To test jUCMNav, create a new JUnit Plug-in Test for the test class seg.jUCMNav.tests.TestAllTestSuite and don't forget the -ea JVM attribute!
Last thing, coding standards
- Please review Dev Doc Coding Standards before starting to program.
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 05 Jun 2015