DevDocActions - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki



  • Almost all classes located in the seg.jUCMNav.actions package extend the org.gef.ui.actions.SelectionAction class. Actions can manipulate the model or simply perform any general task. All actions located in this package are registered in the Action Registry associated with our editor. After being registered in the action registry, actions are not only available for our editor but also for other workbench parts, such as views or toolbars. Classes in this package are mainly used in our editor’s context menu provider and its action bar contributor. For example, the show/hide label action available in a path node or component’s context menu is defined here.
  • It is recommended that any new action subclass the UCMSelectionAction class. Furthermore, most actions make use of the SelectionHelper. This class acts as a bridge between a List of EditParts and a particular selection of model elements. Furthermore, many actions make use of SafePathChecker to ensure they don't create illegal loops.
  • A good example action is the AddOrForkAction. It demonstrates use of setting an image descriptor, using SafePathChecker and the SelectionHelper.

Hookup with framework

  • see seg.jUCMNav.editor.actionContributions
  • Builds the action registry, contextual menus and toolbars. If you create a new action, don't forget to register it in the two locations below:
    • The ActionRegistryManager is invoked by the UCMNavMultiPageEditor to create the actions once per multi page editor. These single instances are used throughout the application.
    • The UcmContextMenuProvider builds a context menu from a subset of actions taken from the ActionRegistry.

Note: this guide was written but the material covered here is probably spread out in the other ones; have a look at Dev Doc Context Menu

-- Main.JasonKealey - 14 Jul 2005