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Setting up CruiseControl & Command Line PDE JUnit Tests
Setting up CruiseControl and automatically running the test suite appears easy, conceptually, but in practice it is a whole different story. This guide is intended to assist you in this process and was written when re-installing CruiseControl on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server.
- Download the zip file for all of these. Don't use the update site. Don't use the easily to find links on the homepage, you have to really look for these to find the right versions.
- At time of writing, there are two parallel streams of releases 3.7.1 which seems to be the last official release, whereas 4.* also include stable versions but appear to be intended for Developers. 3.8 and 4.2 are both scheduled for June 2012.
- Eclipse SDK 3.7.1 (SDK: not the regular Eclipse)
- Eclipse Test Framework 3.7.1
- Eclipse Automated Tests 3.7.1
- EMF and XSD All-In-One SDK 2.7.1
- Draw2D, GEF and Zest All-In-One SDK 3.7.2
- UML2 SDK 3.2.1
- OCL SDK 3.1.1
- Hand-crafted Bundle from the jUCMNav Wiki for WTP
- I put all of these files in c:\work\eclipse-testing
Initial setup (Tests)
- Extract the test framework into a directory; for me it was c:\work\eclipse-testing
- Ensure you have the Eclipse SDK zip file (and all other zip files) in that same folder. The test framework will extract these.
- Ensure that "unzip" is on your path. Unzip comes with cygwin. (As
specified by the testing framework's readme.html)
- I already had my c:\cygwin\bin folder in my path.
- There is a runtests.bat file in the folder. Don't run it just yet.
- What this file does is it extracts the current version of eclipse into the test-eclipse folder (creating c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse\eclipse\*).
- Then, it extracts the tests (which are contained in a zip file that was in the automated testing framework, now in c:\work\eclipse-testing).
- Then, it will look at its command line arguments. You pass an ant task (referring to a test to be executed) as an argument.
- You're ready to run a simple test but it will take a few minutes to
run, as it needs to extract a bunch of things.
- SETUP: Set JAVA_HOME to point to a 1.6 32-bit JDK (1.7 does not work with CruiseControl. JRE does not work for compilation. 64 bit does not work with Eclipse) but write the path is like c:\progra~2\java\... instead of c:\program files (x86)\ - ant will crash for no reason otherwise.
- In the dos prompt, type: runtests jdttext
- Specifying a test will save you from having to execute the whole test suite, as we don't care about that one.
- (Not 100% sure) I think this extracts into c:\work\eclipse-testing\eclipse* and then copies everything into c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse * If all goes well, your unit test will run, Eclipse will open and close, and your tests will pass. However, it won't, as this testing framework is a masochist. See troubleshooting below.
- Once the c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse\eclipse\* folder exists (after a partial test run), you should always run this, as it is faster: runtests -noclean jdttext.
- In my case, the test doesn't pass for a number of reasons which I describe below. However, at this point, I always run with -noclean and the c:\work\eclipse-testing\eclipse version becomes useless (unless you accidentally delete test-eclipse by forgetting the -noclean option). Everything occurs in the c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse\eclipse folder. Apologies for the horrible folder names.
- Troubleshooting:
- Expect a gazillion different types of errors. Be patient.
- The first error I got with this release was the testing tool looking for an exact filename ( so I renamed my SDK to have this exact filename instead of the cleaner filename (aka I originally had.
- Then, on one of my machines, it was looking for c:\buildtest\M20110909-1135\\eclipse-testing\ so I downloaded that zip and put it in the desired folder and did not (quickly) find why it wasn't looking in the right folder. Did not happen in my second test.
- At this point c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse\eclipse\* existed so I manually extracted all the plugins downloaded above into this test version. You don't need these for the PDE Unit Tests, but you do for jUCMNav later on.
- Other types of errors:
- 'I can't find junit.framework.SomethingOrOther' - Delete the JUnit 3.* plug-ins from your c:\work\eclipse-testing\test-eclipse\eclipse\* folder. Delete both the org.junit..jar files for version 3 in the plugins folder and any org.junit. subfolders for version 3. (version 4 includes the version number in the file or folder name)
- "Unable to find org.eclipse.jdt.text.test.xml " or "Looking for " or something similar: the test framework only works on extracted JARs, for some reason. Rename the plugin .jar to zip. Extract the zip into a folder with the same name. It should then find the files it is looking for inside the subfolder.
- Can't find such and such *.jar file even if you have the plug-in installed. Often, it is looking for a file such as junit.jar which is typically included in another jar (and sometimes inside the lib folder of that other jar). I had to copy a bunch of these (especially for compilation in CruiseControl) into the root of the plugins folder.
Testing Work Flow
- This may help you understand what is going on under the hood. This
is all relative to c:\work\eclipse-testing. 1 runtests.bat runs
test.xml via some fancy techniques. 1 test.xml lists all of the unit
tests that can be executed and invokes the test.xml inside of a
plugin via some fancy techniques. the plugin's test.xml must be on
the disk (not inside a jar file).
- Ex: test-eclipse\eclipse\plugins\seg.jUCMNav_2.0.0\test.xml 1 test-eclipse\eclipse\plugins\seg.jUCMNav_2.0.0\test.xml defines the java classes to be executed as a ui test. the framework runs it in the context of a new Eclipse Instance.
Install CruiseControl (I got version 2.8.4 which doesn't work properly with Java 1.7) into c:\work\CruiseControl.
Checkout svn:// into some folder, as it gives you the scripts we've modified.
Copy c:\work\eclipse-testing\ (all of it) into c:\work\cruisecontrol\testing\. Read all of the above about testing before doing so.
Checkout jUCMNav into c:\work\cruisecontrol\checkout\get\seg.jUCMNav
Create c:\work\cruisecontrol\logs\seg.jUCMNav
In our example, we're publishing our builds on the r:\ drive - ensure that this is present by running map_ccbuilds.vbs
I had ant 1.8.2 installed and on my path, but I think you could use the one that comes with CruiseControl if you change the script.
- This new version of CruiseControl includes a web interface at http://localhost:8080/dashboard. It lets you start builds and monitor progress.
- See the testing troubleshooting section for details about what could go wrong (compilation and testing).
- The CruiseControl service will not work by default if map-ccbuilds.vbs is not executed beforehand. (still to be resolved)
- I discovered that the htmlemail publisher did not work because it was sending from cruisecontrol AT (which does not exist) to jucmnav-dev AT (which does exist).
CruiseControl WorkFlow
- Run cruisecontrol.bat to launch CC
- CC looks at its config.xml file to discover the seg.jUCMNav project.
- This project says monitor this folder for svn modifications, call build-seg.jUCMNav.xml when it happens, and publish the results via email and a copy to the r:\ drive.
- build-seg.jUCMNav.xml builds, packages and tests jUCMNav.
- build-seg.jUCMNav.xml calls ccbuild.xml in the checked out version of jUCMNav to build & package it.
- ccbuild.xml compiles the application, creates a few jar files and a few zip files.
- the compilation points to a location which includes a bunch of jar files (hence the importance of having all these *.jar files in the root of the plugin directory)
- build-seg.jUCMNav.xml then calls the testing platform with -noclean jUCMNav to run a special test we've added inside testing\test.xml for this purpose. (extracts the zip, runs the test suite, gathers the results)
Below are reminders from previous version of this guide.
- I deleted lots content from this page which no longer appears relevant. View the version history of this page for more information.
- When running the tests, my script used to stop after 3 seconds, saying message 13. I didn't know what this was so I enabled ant assertions in the batch file. Still nothing good.
- After reading posts on for an hour, I was told to check the C:\work\eclipse-testing\workspace\.metadata\.log file. I found this root exception:
Root exception:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\work\eclipse-testing\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32_3.0.1\os\win32\x86\swt-win32-3063.dll: Access is denied
- I changed my filesystem properties on the folder containing this file and, recursively, its children. For some reason, no one had read access.
- This problem is windows specific.
-- Main.JasonKealey - 31 Jan 2012