DevDocOnlineHelp - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
At the moment, the online help is a monolithic TWiki/HTML document. We use a scrit to convert it to XHTML and embed it in jUCMNav.
- Update the Help On Line on Twiki
- Must be XHTML-compatible. "&" should be "&", ">" should be ">", "<br>" should be "<br />", etc.
- When attaching an image, do not create a link at the bottom (hide it).
- Extract an HTML file with images
- Run the /seg.jUCMNav/helpcontent/getlatest script (requires wget).
- Fix the helponline.html file
- The <LINK> tag should be XHTML compatible (with /> at its end)
- Update the /seg.jUCMNav/help.xml file
- This is the Eclipse index. Synchronize with the table of contents found in the helponline.html file.
- Copy all the files to the /seg.jUCMNav/helpcontent/ directory
- Test locally in debug mode
- The SAX parser may complain (quite picky). The console on the development Eclipse IDE provides the line number in the helponline.html file where the problem occurs, if any.
- Once this is working, commit /seg.jUCMNav/helpcontent/ and /seg.jUCMNav/help.xml
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 27 Apr 2008