Page Index - mobiflight/mobiflight-connector GitHub Wiki
104 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- A very quick guide to ordering PCBs online on JLCPCB
- Adding a custom board to MobiFlight
- Adding lots of buttons with an input shift register
- Baron G58 Using a Real Magneto Switch
- Baron G58 Wiki. Includes custom programming and wiring for Gear, Flaps, Mags & ELT
- Beginner's guide to input multiplexers
- Brightness of LCD displays with I2C
- Buttons
- Cockpit lights logic for warning lights, power and lights test function
- Command Line Parameters
- Configuring PMDG 737 Parking Brake Lever Auto Release with a Servo in Mobiflight
- Connecting Mobiflight to MSFS2020 from a remote PC
- Controlling LEDs with an output shift register
- Controlling the brightness of LEDs and 7 segment modules
- Developer Guide
- Disabling specific COM ports
- EF44 Profile
- Example 7 segment display
- Example Analog Input Potentiometer
- Example Encoder with SimConnect Events
- Example Landing Gear Lights with SimConnect Events
- Example Parking Brakes with SimConnect events
- Example Servo motor
- Examples Input Switch
- Examples Output LEDs
- expression engine
- Flash module with MobiFlight firmware
- General Troubleshooting Guide for MobiFlight and MSFS2020
- Generics about Multiplexers in MobiFlight
- Getting started with XPlane
- How board detection and firmware flashing works
- How to control backlight leds (and your annunciators too!) with a MOSFET and one PWM pin
- How to Directly Drive x.27 or x.40 Stepper Motors
- How to setup a custom device
- How to use a VNH2SP30 DC motor shield with MobiFlight
- Input Actions
- Input and Output devices
- Installing Python
- Joysticks
- Key Matrix with standard MobiFlight and Multiplexers
- Licenses
- Memory Consumption
- Merging configuration files
- MIDI Boards
- MobiFlight Basic Concepts and Functionality
- Mobiflight Connector BETA version installation
- MobiFlight Connector Files Structure
- MobiFlight Connector How does it work
- MobiFlight Connector Installation
- Mobiflight Connector Main Window
- MobiFlight Connector Uninstall
- Mobiflight Getting Started XPlane Parking Brake switch and led
- Module Not Recognized
- Modules
- Modules Reset to factory default
- MSFS2020 Configuring an External Chronometer in Mobiflight
- MSFS2020 Developer Mode, Model Behavior dialog and Console window
- MSFS2020 How to Create a Blinking LED configuration
- MSFS2020 How to Create and Use User Defined Lvars
- MSFS2020 Install WASM module and Event List
- MSFS2020 PMDG 737 700 Chrono unit functions implemented in Mobiflight
- MSFS2020 PMDG 737‐700 List of Events that require use of FSUIPC7
- MSFS2020 RPN Tips and Tricks
- MSFS2020 Short, Long and Double Press Button Configuration
- MSFS2020 SimConnect
- MSFS2020 Transponder Keypad and Display on 7 Segment Module
- MSFS2020 User Defined WASM Module Events Best Practices
- MSFS2020 Using the Custom Input Code Box
- Playing sounds by sending keystrokes to AutoHotKey
- PropWashSim 7‐segment displays
- Providing logs from MobiFlight
- Radio tuner with a single encoder and pushbutton
- Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) Level Shifting (3.3V ‐ 5V) to interface with other ICs
- Sim Variables (for Output)
- Time Consumption
- Transponder with one rotary
- Tutorial Easy Driver and x.27 or x.40 Stepper Motor
- Tutorial for Airbus VS display via 7 Segment LED Module
- Tutorial Setting up 7 segment LED modules with SimConnect Events
- USB power supply considerations
- User guide ‐ Community Board and Custom Devices
- Using 3D printer mainboards
- Using a servo motor for an elevator trim indicator
- Using a WINWING FCU with MobiFlight
- Using an adjustable 12 position switch as a GA starter
- Using encoder to drive a value back and forth within a given range
- Using the selector knob on a Honeycomb Bravo
- Using the TB6600 stepper motor driver in MobiFlight
- Using third party Arduino based hardware with MobiFlight
- Using three position switches
- Using VKB controllers with MobiFlight
- Verifying the WASM module installation and locating the MSFS2020 community folder
- Verifying the WASM module installation and locating the MSFS2024 community folder
- Winwing current MobiFlight profiles overview
- Wiring and configuring a Stepper Motor for PMDG 737 Auto Throttle
- Workaround for hold‐events like engine starter key using VJoy
- Workflow for Creating Flight Simulation Panels ‐ Part 1
- Workflow for Creating Flight Simulation Panels ‐ Part 2
- workshop advanced
- workshop beginner
- XPUIPCOffsets.cfg Notepad plugin