MSFS2020 Using the Custom Input Code Box - MobiFlight/MobiFlight-Connector GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is now obsolete. To add custom code select the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 event type and then check the Show Preset Code box to get a text field to enter your custom code.


  • The code can have line feeds to improve readability.
  • Config references can be included using their respective placeholders
  • Opens the possibility to send parameters to SET type events, e.g. @ (>K:SPOILERS_SET)
  • All the code entered in the Custom Input box is stored in the Mobiflight mcc file
  • Mobiflight will replace the placeholders @, #, ! with their respective config reference values, but keep in mind the code itself is sent to be executed by the MSFS2020 simulator.
  • All code needs to comply with RPN syntax rules