Command Line Parameters - MobiFlight/MobiFlight-Connector GitHub Wiki

There is a set of command line parameters that you can use to control MobiFlight Connector's start up behavior:

Auto-load config file

To load a specific config file (other than the one from the last session) use

MobiFlight-Connector.exe /cfg FILE-PATH


  • /cfg - is the name for the option
  • FILE-PATH - is the full path to your configuration file, e.g. C:\MobiFlight\myconfig.mcc

Auto-Run on start up

To enable auto-run for the next session ise

MobiFlight-Connector.exe /autoRun

where /autoRun is the command line parameter which also doesn't require any further values.

Full example

You can combine both parameters to load a specific config and automatically let MobiFlight start "Run"-Mode as soon as the flight sim is detected. The example uses a config file located at C:\MobiFlight\myconfig.mcc on your drive.

MobiFlight-Connector.exe /cfg C:\MobiFlight\myconfig.mcc /autoRun