MSFS2020 PMDG 737‐700 List of Events that require use of FSUIPC7 - MobiFlight/MobiFlight-Connector GitHub Wiki

PMDG 737-700 List of Events that require use of FSUIPC7

Please be aware that Mobiflight does not yet support the PMDG 737 SDK and therefore not all outputs are available through Simconnect for this aircraft. This document contains the known events that will not work using Simconnect and require using FSUIPC7 which does supports the PMDG SDK for MSFS2020.
Please refer to the FSUIPC7 documentation for details on the offsets.

Did you enable Data Broadcast in the PMDG SDK?

Also be aware that in order for FSUIPC7 to be able to read the data from PMDG, you must activate PMDG SDK data broadcast by modifying the 737_Options.ini file. The following image is from the FSUIPC documentation:


Please make sure there is a blank line after the [SDK] section at the end of the file.

LIST OF EVENTS (will be updated as necessary)

  1. Overhead Electrical panel Meter Display top line: Offset 0x64BC char(13)

  2. Overhead Electrical panel Meter Display bottom line: Offset 0x64C9 char(13)

  3. MCP VS Display: Offset 0x65D0 int(2). Update. Not needed as of June 2024. LVAR WAS FIXED.

  4. Pressurzation system FLT ALT display: Offset 0x656C char(6)

  5. Pressurization system LAND ALT display: Offset 0x6572 char(6)

  6. Glareshield Left Six Pack led FLT CONT: Offset 0x65A8 int(1)

  7. Glareshield Left Six Pack led IRS: Offset 0x65A9 int(1)

  8. Glareshield Left Six Pack led FUEL: Offset 0x65AA int(1)

  9. Glareshield Left Six Pack led ELEC: Offset 0x65AB int(1)

  10. Glareshield Left Six Pack led APU: Offset 0x65AC int(1)

  11. Glareshield Left Six Pack led OVHT DET: Offset 0x65AD int(1)

  12. Glareshield Right Six Pack led ANTI ICE: Offset 0x65AE int(1)

  13. Glareshield Right Six Pack led HYD: Offset 0x65AF int(1)

  14. Glareshield Right Six Pack led DOORS: Offset 0x65B0 int(1)

  15. Glareshield Right Six Pack led ENG: Offset 0x65B1 int(1)

  16. Glareshield Right Six Pack led OVERHEAD: Offset 0x65B2 int(1)

  17. Glareshield Right Six Pack led AIR COND: Offset 0x65B3 int(1)

  18. MIP AFDS leds A/P P/RST red: Offset 0x65F1 (left) int(1), 0x65F2 (right) int(1)

  19. MIP AFDS leds A/P P/RST amber: Offset 0x65F3 (left) int(1), 0x65F4 (right) int(1)

  20. MIP AFDS leds A/T P/RST red: Offset 0x65F5 (left) int(1), 0x65F6 (right) int(1)

  21. MIP AFDS leds A/T P/RST amber: Offset 0x65F7 (left) int(1), 0x65F8 (right) int(1)

  22. MIP AFDS leds FMC P/RST amber: Offset 0x65F9 (left) int(1), 0x65FA (right) int(1)

  23. IRS Display Left: Offset 0x642E Byte(7) string zero terminated.

  24. IRS Display Right: Offset 0x6435 Byte(8) string zero terminated.

  25. AFS - Autothrottle servos connected: Offset 0x643E

  26. Radio Panel - ADF Standby Frequency display: 0x6470 unsigned int(4) (multiplied by 10)