Page Index - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki
205 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Aggdraw Py3 wrapper(?)
- arch and gencode flags for CUDA builds on NVIDIA
- Automated git status summary
- Automatic subtitle generation (PocketSphinx)
- AWS EC2 setup notes: steps
- AWS EC2 setup: IAM roles
- AWS EC2 setup: lots of tips
- AWS info introductory guide
- Bash script: screencast GIF (via temp .avi)
- Blender Python setup
- Blender Python setup (old)
- Blender usage notes
- Blog automated .md posting
- Bold text in R
- Broadband DNS lookup error, stuck on 'resolving host'
- Building vim from source with Anaconda
- Change scaling on Gtk Qt apps
- Client ID for Google Apps Script
- Computation on empty vectors
- Computation on empty vectors: notes
- Cool history.replaceState redirect short URL trick
- Copy Pepper flash videos from Chrome storage
- Custom application to open .gdoc extensions
- Custom Feedly sharing options
- Custom Google Docs comment anchoring schema
- dat documentation fixes
- Debugging Linux Mint Cinnamon system freeze
- Debugging Python SegFault with gdb
- Dev plans
- dev TODO [temp]
- Developing XCode on macOS
- diff usage reminder
- Discovering and SSH into devices on LAN
- Documenting Python code
- Downloading BBC m4s streams
- Dual booting Linux on a Macbook
- Dynamic Jupyter Notebook markdown
- Enabling advanced Drive API
- EntrezDirect scripting
- Export all Chrome tabs on Android
- FFMPEG in Python
- FFMPEG preprocessing for Wav2Vec2
- Find a git repo on your system by its remote URL
- Finding datasets
- Formatting an external hard drive for storage on Linux
- gdocs2md debugging: ital. and bold links mangled, * off by 1
- gdocs2md debugging: repo network, round 2
- Gif terminal manipulation
- git config with multiple usernames on one machine
- Git LFS Ubuntu 20 04
- git sparse checkout
- Git versioned Jupyter NBs : links
- GitHub app comparison for Android
- Google Docs as GUI: setup
- Google drive gdoc download conversion workaround
- How to change display resolution in macOS in VM
- How to mirror iPad screen to Linux over WiFi
- How to use a custom image with StyleCLIP
- Idea: for bioinformatics
- Idea: bashrc additions
- Idea: Chrome extension for the Altmetric API (from DOIs on page)
- Idea: DOI Rescue extension
- Idea: editr window manager function
- Idea: lxc containers for X workspaces
- Idea: programmatically storing and restoring PDF note workspaces
- Image hosting on GitHub
- Image stitching as webpage scanner
- Including files in Python package distributions
- Install Chromium daily build on Linux
- Install linters for Python code in vim with ALE
- Install Mac OS X on Linux in VirtualBox
- Install Python 3 and Python 2 kernels for Jupyter notebook
- Install vdsql with BigQuery support
- Installing Android Studio with Kotlin on Linux Mint
- Installing Apache Spark on Linux
- Installing Blender
- Installing CERN's ROOT framework
- Installing CUDA
- Installing DB Browser for SQLite on Linux
- Installing Docker Compose
- Installing Docker Engine
- Installing gcc 10 and clang 10 on Linux (dependencies for libpy and the libpy wrapper for simdjson)
- Installing get_iplayer
- Installing Gpufit with cuBLAS and build Python wheel on Linux
- Installing Linux Mint on a Windows 10 Lenovo laptop
- Installing lxc
- Installing lxd
- Installing nvtop
- Installing Python 3 via deadsnakes PPA
- Installing Sage on Linux with conda
- Installing Shrew Soft VPN on Linux
- Installing TextZoom
- Installing the hub wrapper for git on Linux
- Investigating a Python process
- Investigating NVIDIA NGC and LXD containerisation
- IPython 'magic' function documentation
- JPEG to SVG handwriting drawing tracer
- Keeping a persisted directory of data from a Docker container using volumes
- KEGG pathway display with DiagrammeR
- Knitr YAML on the fly: brew 'pre processing'
- Learning Go
- Linux CUPS printer setup University of Manchester
- Linux desktop files
- Linux Mint 20.1 NVIDIA graphics card driver setup
- List available PyTorch wheels
- List of things I've worked on
- LXD workflow for Firefox containers
- macOS on VMware setup
- MATLAB IPython kernel setup
- Mint 20 initial manual setup
- Misc dev readings: AWS Lambda, R, project design
- misc dims
- Moving efficiently in the CLI
- Moving from GitHub Pages to GitLab Pages
- Multi user rainbowstream Twitter CLI
- Network monitoring on Linux
- Note on current project organisation
- Notes on installing PyTorch
- Notes on lxc containers for workspace separation
- Notes on process group control for workspace separation
- Notes on resizing partitions to install Linux Mint 20.1
- OneTab recovery parsing
- OS X issue building gomobile apps for iOS
- Outline of physical notebook organisation
- Packaging a Python project
- Parallel asynchronous GET requests with asyncio
- Parallel HTTP requests in Python
- Patching Google Drive patch semantics
- PDF imaging
- pip install upgrade a new release directly from GitHub
- png R library: resolving error
- Preprocessing camera photos
- PyQt development links
- Python GUIs
- Python multiprocessing and threading
- Python multiprocessing with returned values to dict or list
- Python type hinting passed parent references without circular import error
- Rebuild Python package for PyPi and republish
- Rebuilding reinstalling upgrading Go
- Regenerating SSH keys on Linux
- Reinstall Grub on a dual boot when Windows wipes it
- Reinstalling Anaconda on Linux
- Repackaging and installing zoom on Linux without ibus dependency
- Research project organisation schema
- Resolve Juno (Atom) Julia installation error on Linux
- Reusable python on the command line
- Rmarkdown custom knit hook to compile a multi part document
- RSSOwl setup
- RTMP streaming from
- Run a docker container with GPU
- Run Windows on Linux with LXD
- Running a Docker container root less without sudo
- Running GitHub CI locally with nektos act (Docker) in LXC
- Saving HTML canvas animation from browser console
- Scripts related to devnotes
- Seaview and AliView
- Selenium Java error on Linux
- Set up Amazon Redshift with SQL Workbench J
- Set up Swift development on Linux
- Setting different screen scales for multiple monitors with persistent xrandr
- Setting up a GitLab Pages website
- Setting up ML backend for Label Studio
- SIGPIPE error when piping R script (e.g. to
) - Software reproducibility wishlist
- Some tool ideas and potential projects
- SoX MP4 support
- spaCy notes
- Speaker segmentation
- StackOverflow syntax highlighting override
- Structure of zip files
- Subscribe to YouTube channel RSS feed (2016)
- Tab indentation in Jupyter Notebook
- Tabulated pager cheat sheet and paging lists and Pandas DataFrames with pydoc's pager
- Tesseract
- texlive installation
- Text structuring notes [temp.]
- TODO: Rmarkdown syntax highlighting in vim
- Tracking and retrieving Linux process id for vim panes
- Troubleshooting HTTPS failure for custom subdomain on GitHub Pages
- Twitter plugin button
- Ubuntu 20.04 bugfixes
- Unicode entry not working Linux Mint 17
- Update Atom editor on Linux
- update
- Updating R on Linux
- Upgrading Julia to a newer version
- Upgrading R
- USB passthrough to VirtualBox on Linux
- Use Jekyll 3 with GitHub Pages
- Useful nvidia smi queries
- Useful vim tricks
- Using an iPad as an external webcam with OBS on Linux
- Using Pocket Developer API
- Using University of Manchester HYDRA server
- Using Wikidata Query Service
- Viewing laverna notes on the fly
- Vim number ranges
- Vim shortcuts
- Vim text objects guide
- Vim tricks
- WebDev: Disc flip to "scroll to top" hover link (CSS)
- wmctrl dual monitor specification
- Writing .gdoc files from a web browser