gdocs2md debugging: repo network, round 2 - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki

The forks that didn't just fail with the same off-by-1 in initial attempt were just tricky to set up (not necessarily a bad thing if they work)

  • uses now-deprecated DocsList service :expressionless: now should use Drive

  • may still be useful...?

  • clearf's fork has 'big changes to conversions', 'adding files to the google directory structure' - creating a Markdown folder if not existing in the source document's diretory, images in a subfolder of the markdown folder (document.getName()+"_images")

    • Bingo: reformatted_txt.setLinkUrl(off, lastOff-1, url) appears to be fixing the off-by-1...
    • ... but folder ID is hard-coded (for developer's Drive folder!) and after accidentally setting it up app can't access markdown folder (one was made though)

It works...?

:smile: !

Forked a new repository: gdocs2Rmd

To do

See the rOpenSci wishlist page