Developing XCode on macOS - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki
To start, download XCode and create a new app from the template, then create a development team and create a test identifier, and then trust it on your iPad under Settings > General > Device Management > Apple Development and then click the button Trust "Apple Development: ...".
Your example app will then build and you can disconnect the USB to share it wirelessly with the device.
If you use ethernet then you won't be able to connect to the device over Wi-Fi unless you give its IP address.
- "Connect via network" should be ticked.
- Unplug the iPad and then right click the device in the "Devices and Simulators" window (from the Window menu in the toolbar), and click "Connect via IP Address"
- To find the IP address of your iPad from a Linux host,
arp -a
(see Discovering and SSH into devices on LAN) or open Settings > WiFi > Info on the iPad itself