AWS EC2 setup notes: steps - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki

For discussion of reasoning behind the steps here read the notes on readings/blogs etc. made before doing the following: devnotes: AWS setup tips

  • On EC2, select a Debian type AMI (currently Jessie, Debian 8)
  • Choose a general purpose t2.micro instance (the one marked free tier eligible) - storage via EBS (Elastic Block Store)
  • Use defaults (NB 1 instance to stay inside free tier), except:
    • use an IAM role: create one now [for security + lets SDK automatically grab correct credentials later]
      • give it a name (e.g. 'aaa' for 'access all areas')
      • select a role type from the list: for a regular EC2 server, go with the EC2 role (top of the list)
      • attach a policy: select AmazonEC2FullAccess from the list (about halfway down) or AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess — depending on how pre-planned what you're doing on the server is.
        NB you can select multiple policies.
      • you may not get the option re: "Step 3: Establish Trust" (pre-established via web console as
    • (after creating a new role, click the refresh arrow next to the IAM role box back in the EC2 Management Console)
  • (Note the option to supply user data)
  • Tag your instance (for organisation, search, grouping, triggers, ...)
  • SSH: restrict IP at least, also possible [and some advise] disable for security purposes (see)

See other AWS notes: