GitHub app comparison for Android - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki


  • I'm looking for a GitHub app that will let me edit the Wiki of a repo, but am not sure if such a feature is implemented anywhere.
  • There is an open question which I will seek to address (asked ~2 months ago), on a method to sync the Wiki of a repo with its content
    • A comment which the author rejected was just "GitHub Pages solves this". It's wrong (doesn't solve the getting content from Wiki to main repo problem), but does actually point to a compelling application of such synchronisation (using a Wiki as a general purpose website editor for a Jekyll site). A solution could therefore be of broad community interest (Jekyll/GH Pages is popular, and Jekyll 3.0 has brought Collections).
  • To search for this feature I may as well just download all the available apps (at time of writing, Sunday July 24 2016) and note down a comparison in the table below

update: oops I never got around to writing the table! I used Gitskarios, but then I think it became no longer maintained as of 2017! (No longer using an Android GitHub app)