RSSOwl setup - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki
[couldn't get to search feeds]
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[or something sourced in there:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/rssowl
* `cd /usr/local/bin/rssowl` and `sudo ln -s RSSOwl rssowl` to make a nicer shortlink for your path
* `gksu gedit /usr/share/applications/RSSOwl.desktop` to edit the desktop shortcut file and add:
[Desktop Entry] Name=RSSOwl Comment=RSSOwl Icon=/opt/rssowl_linux_1_1_3_bin/rssowl.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;Network;
At startup the start shortcuts will now have RSSOwl in the list
* Import e.g. [Feedly OPML](
Via [this](, to get the Ctrl+Shift+F search working, install pre-v2 (v1.9) of Mozilla xulrunner [via]( and put in a sys file somewhere (I chose `/usr/local/share/xulrunner`) and specify as initialisation parameter (either on command line or preferably edit file in RSSOwl path RSSOwl.ini)
* moved to `/home/louis/.xulrunner` in case it was permissions related but still didn't work