texlive installation - lmmx/devnotes GitHub Wiki


sudo apt install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra cm-super

This final package enables Matplotlib to compile text in TeX format


  • I installed texlive with sudo perl install-tl (as advised here), downloaded from the official site then added its installed directory to the PATH and then used sudo visudo to add this same path (ending in bin/x86_64/) to the "secure_path" variable (at the start)

  • I used this as the package manager-installed version wasn't full-featured, but now can't get a simple tex document to compile without sudo (it works as expected with sudo)

  • It took a good few hours to get all the packages, so I'd rather not uninstall and reinstall, but obviously I shouldn't need root for commands like latexmk etc.