List of all animals - Mnesikos/LilCritters GitHub Wiki

Species variants of animals are listed, but not captive-bred colors.

Red links (aka missing pages) indicate the animal is not yet released! Question marks are possible species variants that may be planned but are also not yet released.

Lil' Critters 1.0.0

  • Banded penguin (African penguin, Galapagos penguin, humboldt penguin, magellanic penguin)
  • Bearded dragon
  • Box turtle (Eastern box turtle, desert box turtle, Florida box turtle, Gulf Coast box turtle, Three-toed box turtle, ornate box turtle, Mexican box turtle, Yucatan box turtle, spotted box turtle, Coahuilan box turtle, amboina box turtle, yellow-headed box turtle, Bourret's box turtle, Vietnamese three-striped box turtle, Chinese box turtle, Indochinese box turtle, McCord's box turtle, keeled box turtle, Pan's box turtle, southern Vietnamese box turtle, golden coin box turtle, yunnan box turtle, Zhou's box turtle)
  • Bullfrog (Indian bullfrog, American bullfrog, African bullfrog)
  • Capybara
  • Chipmunk (???)
  • Dart frog
  • Dwarf crocodile
  • Guinea pig
  • Horned lizard
  • Opossum (Virginia opossum, common opossum, southern white-eared opossum)
  • Pacman frog
  • Pond slider
  • Pumpkin toadlet
  • Raccoon
  • Rusty spotted cat
  • Skunk (hooded skunk, striped skunk, ???)
  • Small clawed otter
  • Tomato frog
  • Tree monitor (emerald tree monitor, blue tree monitor, yellow tree monitor, black tree monitor)
  • Tree squirrel (eastern fox squirrel, eastern gray squirrel, Eurasian red squirrel, forest giant squirrel, Mexican gray squirrel, Prevost's squirrel, ???)
  • Tufted deer

Ambients 1.0.0