Box turtle - Mnesikos/LilCritters GitHub Wiki

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Spawning and taming

Box turtles are rare spawns in temperate forest (eastern, three-toed, Bourret's, Vietnamese three-striped, keeled, Zhou's), dry grassland (desert, ornate), wet forest (Florida, gulf coast, Mexican, Yucatan, Chinese, golden coin), dry alpine (spotted), slow fresh water (coahuilan, yellow-headed, Pan's), wet rainforest (amboina), and temperate alpine (Indochinese, McCord's, southern Vietnamese, yunnan) biomes. They always spawn in groups of 1-3 animals. Male and females are equally likely to spawn, and 10 species are sexually dimorphic.

The turtle is a slow speed, timid animal; they are wary of the player and will flee from them on sight until cornered or captured.

Box turtles can be tamed with omnivore kibble.


Box turtles have 4 hearts (8 points) of health, can deal 0.5 hearts of damage, and drop 1 bone upon death.

Box turtles are tiny animals with pint-sized food needs. They eat an omnivore diet. With the exception of animal byproducts and some toxic fruits, omnivorous animals can eat almost every food in the game, including cooked meat and prepared foods.

Box turtles can use the heat lamp, heat rock, and scented ball enrichment items.

Box turtles are a medium fertility species, and can be bred with an earthworm. As tiny-sized animals they have a gestation time of 24,000 ticks, and give birth to 4-5 babies that will take 2 minecraft days to reach adulthood.

Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)


23 species of box turtle are represented: eastern box turtle, desert box turtle, Florida box turtle, Gulf Coast box turtle, Three-toed box turtle, ornate box turtle, Mexican box turtle, Yucatan box turtle, spotted box turtle, Coahuilan box turtle, amboina box turtle, yellow-headed box turtle, Bourret's box turtle, Vietnamese three-striped box turtle, Chinese box turtle, Indochinese box turtle, McCord's box turtle, keeled box turtle, Pan's box turtle, southern Vietnamese box turtle, golden coin box turtle, yunnan box turtle, and Zhou's box turtle.

Eastern Desert Florida Gulf Coast Three-toed
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Ornate Mexican Yucatan Spotted Coahuilan
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Amboina Yellow-headed Bourret's Vietnamese three-striped Chinese
Indochinese McCord's Keeled Pan's Southern Vietnamese
Golden coin Yunnan Zhou's
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