Guinea pig - Mnesikos/LilCritters GitHub Wiki
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Guinea pigs are common spawns in tropical alpine biomes. They always spawn in groups of 2-6 animals. Male and females are equally likely to spawn, and are not sexually dimorphic.
The guinea pig is a medium speed, timid animal.
Guinea pigs can be tamed with herbivore kibble.
Guinea pigs have 4 hearts (8 points) of health, can deal 0.5 hearts of damage, and drop 1 small meat upon death.
Guinea pigs are tiny animals with miniscule food needs. They eat a herbivore diet, consisting of diverse fruit, vegetables and roughage.
Guinea pigs can use the scented ball, puzzle feeder, tire swing, and apple ice treat enrichment items.
Guinea pigs are a high fertility species, and can be bred with a carrot. As tiny-sized animals they have a gestation time of 24,000 ticks, and give birth to 4-5 babies that will take 2 minecraft days to reach adulthood.
(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)
Guinea pigs have 3 natural variants: acorn, butternut, and honeynut. Guinea pigs also have 21 captive-bred variants that do not spawn naturally: chayote, cousa, crookneck, delicata, fortune, globe, pattypan, tromboncino, zucchini, ambercup, bonbon, carnival, charisma, fairytale, hijinks, hubbard, lumina, pepitas, spaghetti, turban, and yokohama. These are in-game color variants, not real subspecies.
Acorn | Butternut | Honeynut |
Chayote | Cousa | Crookneck | Delicata | Fortune | Globe | Pattypan |
Tromboncino | Zucchini | Ambercup | Bonbon | Carnival | Charisma | Fairytale |
Hijinks | Hubbard | Lumina | Pepitas | Spaghetti | Turban | Yokohama |