Graphics.HowTos - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
How Tos
General setup and config
- Basic DOUG navigation
- Running standalone
- Running with multiple clients and a manager
- Running with a Simple Scene
- Configure the speedtest plugin (configure shading and advanced rendering)
- How to use the userdata directory
- Customizing the view layout
- Creating multi-headed displays
- Running Fullscreen
- Running without border and blipper menu
- Removing viewport borders
- FOV Conversion
- Configure EDGE Based on Computer Performance
- Connecting Clients to Manager Without Multicast
- Detecting When An EDGE Instance Is Finished Loading
- Changing Anti-Aliasing Levels
Adding nodes and models
- Adding a node
- Adding a model
- Adding a camera
- Adding a Vehicle Camera
- Adding a Tcl Script
- Adding a monochrome camera
- Limit parameters of a node
- Adding reconfigs and toggles
- Adding a camera with a nonstandard aspect ratio
- Adding a camera with a fixed field of view
- Adding Reflection
- Defining Camera Lenses
- set up a control node
- Exclude a model from a view
- Exclude a model from casting shadows
- Making a model reflect the environment
Model formats
- Use the IGL loader plugin to load IGOAL/Enigma models
- Import Blender models into DOUG
- Import Lightwave models into DOUG
- Collada
Manipulating the scene
- Flying the Camera
- Using Speedfly to Navigate large distances
- Using Trackcam to make a camera track a specific node of interest
- Using the Tree Editor Tool
- fly a camera such that it rotates on a sphere around a point of interest
- Configure Stars
- Change the background color
- Mirror node position and attitude into another
- Turn on shadows by default
Overlays and tcl/tk elements
- Adding menu items
- Adding Overlays
- Create DOUG overlays using TCL (more advanced)
- Make DOUG communicate with a Trick simulation via the Variable Server (using TCL)
- Using the planet2 plugin TCL interface to retrieve elevation data
- Drive DOUG overlays using Enigma API file definitions (using TCL)
- Use FOV overlay to show the actual Horizontal FOV
- EDGE Remote Commanding Capability
- Web Commanding Capability
- MJPEG Video Streaming
- Writing a Custom Pick Functionality
- DOUG Built-in Tcl Commands Reference
- Query information about a particular node
- Disabling Right Click Menu
Simulation integration
- A Simple DCOMM Light Client
- Timeouts on DCOMM initialization of connection
- Driving Flags Over DCOMM
- Orbital sim integration
- ANTARES integration
- Visualizing a real-time simulation using comm
- Using the simdata plugin for data playback
- Using the simdata plugin for recording
- Using a rotation matrix for attitude during data playback
Plugin Development
- Building a Mapplugin
- See the examples in the EDGE Tutorial and in your src.dist/plugins directory.
- Recording a Movie From the Simdata Plugin
- Ignoring Nodes On DOV Movie Playback
- Render a high resolution poster from EDGE
- Allowing for offscreen light flares and blooms
- Improving Framerates
- Lowering CPU usage
- Draw a Dynamic Cone In the Scene
- Perform Image Distortion
- Print out any node changes in the Scene