Graphics.EDGEConeatronPluginReference - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
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Often times in scenes, especially those with space vehicles, it is nice to be able to visually inspect some envelope or corridor. The coneatron plugin and GUI allow for a way to dynamically draw different size cones and also export out the resulting cone to an ac3d model.
Just "source gui/coneatron.tcl" in the console to use it temporarily with the GUI or add it to your config file GUI block if you need it often. You can see a video of the capabilities here.
Coneatron Plugin GUI
All coneatron operations are available through scripting. Here is a description of the more common commands.
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron load -file
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron append -file
The load command clears all current cones and loads the cones from the requested file. The append command does not clear the current cones before loading the cones in filename.
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron save -file
Saves all current cones to filename
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron clear
Clears all cones
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron new
Creates a new cone and places it at the end of the list
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron del -index
Deletes cone at position n
doug.plugin dsp_conetron getnumcones
Returns the number of cones defined. The coneatron plugin always keeps at least one default cone defined so this always returns at least 1.
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron set -index [-node ] [-base ] [-top ] [-height ] [-slices ] [-color ] [-enabled ] [-trans ] [-emissive_gain ] [-ambient_gain ]
Modifies one or more properties of the cone at index .
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron set [-x ] [-y ] [-z ] [-pitch ] [-yaw ] [-roll ]
Translates and rotates cone.
doug.plugin dsp_coneatron get -index [-node] [-base] [-top] [-height] [-slices] [-color] [-enabled] [-trans] [-emissive_gain] [-ambient_gain]
Retrieves cone parameters. The color will be returned in a the form of a hex triplet "#rrggbb".