Graphics.MirrorNodePositionAndAttitudeIntoAnother - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Mirror Node Position and Attitude Into Another

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Suppose you want to have the capability to force one node to be a mirror or copy of the xyz and PYR of another node. Sometimes this can be useful if you need the xyzPYR information but against a different parent node.

This can be done via the "mirror_nodes.tcl" script. To use it, you can either source it in your tcl script, or add it to a GUI block. It has protection at the top against being sourced multiple times, so you can source it inside any of your tcl scripts which rely on it and not worry about if it has been properly loaded before hand. To use, you can utilize the following tcl commands:

add_node_mirror_pair <src_node> <dest_node>
del_node_mirror_pair <src_node>
get_node_mirror_dest <src_node>
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