Graphics.AddingAMonochromeCamera - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Adding a Monochrome Camera

  1. Add a camera: Adding a monochrome is basically the same as adding a regular camera. See this article on how to add a camera to EDGE.
  2. Assign a camera type: Beyond that, you need to assign a camera type to the camera definition in the config file. This is done via the "TYPE()" attribute. The camera types are defined in a separate "CAMERAS" block. The bottom of userdata/configs/user_models.cfg has some examples.
  3. Designate the type as monochrome: In the camera type definition, there is a field which contains an "m" or "c" for monochrome/color. Set this to "m" for your new type.
  4. Add command line option and test: Running graphics again, you will probably notice that the new camera is still in color. This is because dsp requires a command-line argument to enable monochrome rendering. Run again with the "-monochrome" option and you should see that any cameras that are assigned this new type appear in black and white.
  5. Enable monochrome rendering permanently: To always run with the "-monochrome" command-line option, add it to an appropriate DOUG→command_line block in your $USERDATA/user.cfg. See this article for more information on using the userdata directory.

Monochrome camera view in DOUG