Graphics.AddingACamera - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Adding a Camera

« Adding a model | EDGE User’s Guide | Adding a Vehicle Camera »

Simple directions

  1. Edit ${USERDATA}/configs/user_models.cfg
  2. Add the camera into the CAMERAS block inside the SCENE_LOAD block (not the CAMERAS block at the bottom that is in the DATA block - that is for camera types)
  3. To select the new camera, right click on a viewport and click "Assign Camera" and select your new camera from the list

Camera assignment dialog

What's really going on

The userdata/configs/user_models.cfg file should be getting included in the postload section of userdata/user.cfg. This file has a skeleton set up to allow the user to set up nodes, cameras, lights, and camera types.

NOTE: One potential "gotcha" with camera names is the string "WINDOW"… if you use that string in your camera name, EDGE will assume it is a special camera for a window view, in which case it will show up under the "Assign Window View" menu instead of the "Assign Camera" menu.

« Adding a model | EDGE User’s Guide | Adding a Vehicle Camera »