Graphics.EDGEConfigurationUtility - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
EDGE Configuration Utility
Coming soon!!!
This page describes how to use the EDGE Configuration Utility. For information about the environment variables set with this utility see EDGE Environment Configuration.
In response to Issue 00135 we are creating a utility that allows users to customize their EDGE environment based on computer performance.
To access utility:
load Doug using ./run_graphics or ./run_blank_graphics
launch the utility from the Options toolbar and choose "Computer Specific Graphics Settings"
a GUI should appear on your screen with your specific computer name in the title
To use this utility:
choose the appropriate environment variable settings for your computer
there are four buttons directly underneath the title which show some of your options:
Show Low Performance Settings - shows a set of suggested settings for lower performance machines
Show High Performance Settings - shows a set of suggested settings for higher performance machines
Show Default Settings - shows all of the default values for the environment variables
Show Current Settings - shows the environment variable values currently loaded in Doug
You may want to experiment with different values to find the best settings to meet your objective. For additional help choosing settings see EDGE Environment Configuration.
After choosing your settings hit the "Generate Overwrite Configuration Files" button.
Restart Doug to see your new environment configured.
Additional Information
Behind the scenes information:
This utility writes two computer specific configuration files which will be saved in your userdata directory as ${HOSTNAME}_doug_overwrite.csh and ${HOSTNAME}_overwrite.csh
These configuration files are sourced directly after the User Configuration Files are sourced, therefore both the default DOUG and User Configuration Options will be overwritten by anything that is different in this file.
With exception to "Doug_Speedy_args", only settings which differ from the default configuration settings will be written to these configuration files.
Moving your mouse over each setting label in the EDGE Configuration GUI will give the actual environment variable name. Look in ${HOSTNAME}_doug_overwrite.csh and ${HOSTNAME}_overwrite.csh located in your userdata directory to see which environment variables are being overwritten (with the exception of "Doug_Speedy_args" which will always be there)
Utility Package Contents
This utility will be available in the next release. The following files are necessary for this utility:
areeves June 16, 2009, at 02:36 PM