Graphics.ImportLightwave - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
Import Lightwave
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NOTE: For any modeling, please be sure to follow the document in progress EDGE Modeling guidelines!
Many people are using lightwave as a modeler these days. Smermel is working on a loader for lightwave, but it is not ready yet.
In the meantime, your best bet is probably to export from lightwave into either the wavefront format or sla/stl format. These formats can then be imported into either enigma or AC3D. From enigma, you can save into EDGE's native ssm format. There is also a loader for AC3D that is in use.
From model to model, things will change, and rarely will the conversion give you perfect results, but in the interest of sharing some experiences, the following has been observed in the general case:
- exporting to wavefront seems to do better at preserving material properties
- exporting to sla seems to preserve geometry better, but material properties are commonly lost.
Please post your experiences here and advice to others!!!
- AC3D can be purchased here:
- Enigma can be downloaded here: